Lady_Galadhiel wrote: »
trackdemon5512 wrote: »
Cuts down on loading and tracking players the server doesn’t need to track, reducing server strain.
Eventually if the server is optimized AND your system is powerful the load becomes nonexistent, like the bank on PS5.
redspecter23 wrote: »I pick up the dailies in the city and you have to be outside the city to see the location on your map.
redspecter23 wrote: »I pick up the dailies in the city and you have to be outside the city to see the location on your map.
Hapexamendios wrote: »Not being able to see quest markers outside the city. Probably related to:
Poor functionality imo.
Lydawobbles wrote: »For Bera and The Ivory brigade guy, just pick up the quests. They go away as long as the quests are in your log
There's no reason that NPC should follow me that far. It's a nuisance. She belongs in the guildhall, out of people's way.
All these options illustrate why Leyawiin won't ever be my main hub over Vivec or Alinor. I'm happy others are speaking up.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin Please confirm you're seeing this feedback and champion some kind of change request to get it resolved. These are frequent complaints with simple fixes that'd make a lot of people happier.
1. "You there! The Ivory Brigade has need of you!" Another nagware NPC. I don't want to be pestered the moment I get into the zone. It's distracting and annoying and needs to be tuned down in future expansions. Put this person in ONE spot, away from the wayshrine, so people can come and go without being bothered. Enough of the NPCs that show up multiple places around the quest already.
2. "THE GUILD HAS NEED OF YOU COMRADE". Bera Moorsmith is worse than Stuga in how absolutely unbearable she is. Put her in the guild halls already. There's no reason for her to be following us anywhere near the crafting stations. And if the argument is "it's easier for newer players if this person finds them" No. If I'm a new player and I want to do a fighter's guild quest the first place I'm looking is the guild hall. Just makes sense, right? And it's not immersive either.
3. Loading screen when going into the bank. Not much we can do about this, but little details like this prevent people from making the newer city their hub. When players make a city their hub, it becomes more lively and fun.
4. Stablemaster playing hide and seek with you 50 miles + loading screen away from wayshrine. Again, it's poor design decisions like this that prevent people from caring about the chapter once they've knocked out the story. While I don't expect this to be fixed, I hope future design decisions consider this feedback. Again, there's a reason Vivec and Alinor are frequently cited as people's main hubs.
5. Fence dude takes 10 minutes standing up before you can talk to him. Slightly inconvenience in my opinion, but definitely gets in the way of wanting to fence here. All we need is a simple dialogue box guys. That's it.
6. Nolus Cedus. I've spoken about this one before. There's a really simply solution. Remove him, and the one in Vivec City. We appreciate the little touches until it gets in the way of an activity that we have to do frequently. There's no immersion value in having someone blocking your daily activity that you're trying to rush through. No NPCs near the writ turn ins, please.
I've personally written about a few of these before here, with no ZOS response again.
Please take a look and let us know you're seeing this feedback. I'd really appreciate if the developers would come to understand that some design habits get a little irritating in an otherwise well-crafted world.