SydneyGrey wrote: »I'm really attached to my characters. Yes, I know it's silly. I love working on them to continually improve them. I also love theory-crafting armor sets. I'm trying a new build for an ice mage at the moment, so I was super happy to hear that Destructive Touch is going to be buffed for ice.
Nothing really. I haven't had the motivation to login for the past 3 days, and I'm not even sure I want to going forward, especially when I look at the changes they want to make.
Until they hire someone to actively work on PvP and who understands it, I can't see myself wanting to play at all. I used to love it during the IC update, but it's slowly degraded over time.
Grandchamp1989 wrote: »Honestly, I think at some level I'm addicted to the game.
I'm pretty discouraged by the game, and yet I play it every single day.
And yet since Greymoor I can't help but think to myself the creativity isn't the same (for me alteast) and the streamlining I sometimes feel I'm playing a different game than I played 2 years ago?
Lack of new games and lack of time.
Firstly, there's no new games which have really grabbed my attention.
Secondly, I don't always have a huge amount of time these days. So ESO is just an easy game to jump on when I have an hour or so.
zelaminator wrote: »I don't really have many performance issues
zelaminator wrote: »I don't really have many performance issues
What game are you playing? Are you on the right forums?
I only play PvE and have no performance issues. I love ESO and the Elder Scrolls franchise in general, and I feel no need or wish to play any other game.