Lughlongarm wrote: »I don't see the appeal but another thread on the forum claims WW is OP this patch. I'm highly skeptical.
Greek_Hellspawn wrote: »Hey everyone,
What sets would you recommend for werewolf this patch?
Keep in mind i don't have access to mythic items tho.
What kind of wolf you thinking of playing?
Greek_Hellspawn wrote: »
Tanky with enough damage to kill non tanky players.
Lughlongarm wrote: »What about Argonian with Clever Alchemist and pot reduction glyphs + the foresight CP star. With that kind of sustain you can even go Molag Kena as monster set+ another offensive/defensive set.
Yup I run that on one of my wolves. I call it Monstrous Thirst. My current version uses
5 clever
3 agility
2 kena
1 trainee
1 Death Dealer
I'm a huge fan of senchal defender on werewolf I think it gets overlooked. Sustain on wolf is important
Lughlongarm wrote: »