This is a guild welcome to all Argonian Templars.
Scales-of-Sun, is a social guild
exclusively for this race/class combination.
We do RP, PvE, Build assist, etc.
We are Vakka-Eix, or “Sun-Scales” in the common tongue. An organization of Warrior-Priests composed of volunteers from many tribes.
We help those we find along our travels.
Just as Shadowscales are dedicated to the Void and Sithis, We Sun-scales are dedicated to Atakota, the beginning.
Find more here:
We have no political affiliation; Argonian Light-Bearers of any Alliance are welcome.
Type the name of your Argonian Templar character in the comments (or send a PM) and I’ll send an invite
Edited by Iccotak on July 2, 2021 9:33PM