first thing i want to say is that i think Eso is one of the few mmos that takes leveling up seriously and makes it a fun part of the game and not an annoying chore as it is in other games. But one thing has been bothering me for a while, it's the difficulty of story bosses and npcs in general. A lot of times we are presented with a character that is portrait to us as a really strong being that is not be messed with, then we end up fighting it and we kill them in one rotation. More often than not i enjoy the stories you are telling, but the fights themselves seem so out of place and anticlimactic.
My suggestion is to atleast make the story bosses as strong as the weaker ones in solo veteran trials. Make clear mechanics that will help the player win, like you have already started doing, with the vampire storyline and endboss , and in blackwood. I don't think it would be a strech and the thougher fight will make a far more lasting impression and will help the game to have more memroble villains, cause i have to admit right now quests are just boring to play, because nothing can challenge you, you go from point A to point B steamrolling everything, the bad guy gives the "I am so powerful " speach, you think to yourselve "sure dude", fight starts , you do one rotation, maybe something happens , you do another and he is dead, go to the hero party lol. It's just a buzz kill for me. I don't feel i have achieved anything special after the fight, some of these guys are weaker than a mammoth in riften lol.
So pls think about increasing the overall difficulty of quests and all the npcs involved. I think it will give players a sense of achievment after they do them, help your lore building with believable powerful bad guys and make us enjoy the stories more.
Edited by Mitaka211 on June 30, 2021 5:26AM