seriously. She has the most persistent and obnoxious habit of barging in front of you in combat. Then proceeding to die almost instantaneously because she doesn't have all purple gear on and her skills are n00b.
It's even worse in non combat situations because she's 1E+06 times worse than your typical German Shepherd. Who exists to cut you off whenever you try to walk them.
Especially the latter when you're trying to open a dungeon door on the fly to escape dungeon mobs. And she forces you to end up having a civilized conversation with her. Just in time for said mobs to hit your toon. So you're forced to fight to the death (since you're officially out of soul gems since you wasted ALL of them on her)
Or the simple act of opening a door--ANY door. Be it in a town or the wilderness out of combat. Same maddening AI pathing behavior.
Or trying to use the blasted shrine. Or talk to another NPC. The bloody list is just ad infinitum to ad nauseum.


Give me back Mjoll and Lydia ZoS. At least Mjoll was a reliable tank even when she insisted on turning herself into a bullet sponge target dummy in every combat situation. And Lydia didn't drive you insane every time you killed bugs to forage for your potions supplies on the fly when adventuring. My alchemy stock is tanking to zero thanks to her anti insecta fixation....