PrimeSeptim wrote: »This is a little rant I guess but I would like to hear your thoughts!
- Have you experienced this or similar?
- What was/would be your reaction?
- Did it change your approach?
- Did you forgive and forget or plot your revenge?
So, Midyear Mayhem is here!
I hop onto my below 50 character for some good, old fashioned below 50 PvP action.
I find it's usually more fun than Vet PvP...
Anyway, I search for a group but receive zero response, even though I know there's a
group up. OK, no problem I guess, so I'll just watch chat, find the zerg and lend a hand
where I can. I do this for about an hour, helping them capture keeps/resources, healing
them, supporting, etc. Once or twice, I was the only thing between them and death.
Still no invite to group... OK, I guess it's whatever. No biggie.
Then I ride on over to the next keep and as I was about to set up my trebuchet, I somehow
pull aggro on two mobs and they start pounding my ass. I wasn't prepared for this abuse.
Now the whole point of this post is because while this was happening, none of the 20+
players participating in this siege ever bothered to step in and help. There was even a
group of 4 people just standing there (one even on their mount literally (spectating) following
me and the mobs) mocking me.
Why be like that? It's just scummy. I genuinely feel used. They were quick enough to take
all my heals/support and that's how they repay me? Really? I truly went beyond the call of
duty. I can't emphasise that enough. But despite that, I'm just left to fend for myself.
You know, I usually just lurk, keep to myself and try to have fun - most of the time I just do
whatever is best for me. I don't care about you. But then there's times, both in game and out
where I want to be a bit nicer and little less scrooge-like. It's nice to be nice. Do unto others
as you would them unto you. But then stuff like this happens and it reminds me that being
nice is never the way to go because you'll just be used and taken advantage of. Nice guys
finish last, right? Almost every time I try to be a nice person, it backfires. It's never worth it,
unless you gain something in return. You're either the predator or the prey. A sad truth.
This obviously isn't the worst thing to happen but anyway...
That's OK. Afterwards, I just leeched... I stood there spectating while they did all the
work. I still got my AP and rewards and that's how it'll be from now on. Why should I continue
to exert myself? Why should I be a team player? What do I get out of it? Nothing. That's
obviously how everyone else feels so I guess I'll just conform to the community's selfish
attitude and screw everyone else, right? Unless, of course, I can use them... Isn't that the META?
Toxicity breeds toxicity.
VaranisArano wrote: »
And if you aren't part of their group, I'm not surprised that no one in the group peeled off to help you with your NPCs. No offense, but when I played in a guild, my Crown would've been furious if I stopped healing my guild to go help out some random struggling with the guards.
PrimeSeptim wrote: »This is a little rant I guess but I would like to hear your thoughts!
- Have you experienced this or similar?
- What was/would be your reaction?
- Did it change your approach?
- Did you forgive and forget or plot your revenge?
So, Midyear Mayhem is here!
I hop onto my below 50 character for some good, old fashioned below 50 PvP action.
I find it's usually more fun than Vet PvP...
Anyway, I search for a group but receive zero response, even though I know there's a
group up. OK, no problem I guess, so I'll just watch chat, find the zerg and lend a hand
where I can. I do this for about an hour, helping them capture keeps/resources, healing
them, supporting, etc. Once or twice, I was the only thing between them and death.
Still no invite to group... OK, I guess it's whatever. No biggie.
Then I ride on over to the next keep and as I was about to set up my trebuchet, I somehow
pull aggro on two mobs and they start pounding my ass. I wasn't prepared for this abuse.
Now the whole point of this post is because while this was happening, none of the 20+
players participating in this siege ever bothered to step in and help. There was even a
group of 4 people just standing there (one even on their mount literally (spectating) following
me and the mobs) mocking me.
Why be like that? It's just scummy. I genuinely feel used. They were quick enough to take
all my heals/support and that's how they repay me? Really? I truly went beyond the call of
duty. I can't emphasise that enough. But despite that, I'm just left to fend for myself.
You know, I usually just lurk, keep to myself and try to have fun - most of the time I just do
whatever is best for me. I don't care about you. But then there's times, both in game and out
where I want to be a bit nicer and little less scrooge-like. It's nice to be nice. Do unto others
as you would them unto you. But then stuff like this happens and it reminds me that being
nice is never the way to go because you'll just be used and taken advantage of. Nice guys
finish last, right? Almost every time I try to be a nice person, it backfires. It's never worth it,
unless you gain something in return. You're either the predator or the prey. A sad truth.
This obviously isn't the worst thing to happen but anyway...
That's OK. Afterwards, I just leeched... I stood there spectating while they did all the
work. I still got my AP and rewards and that's how it'll be from now on. Why should I continue
to exert myself? Why should I be a team player? What do I get out of it? Nothing. That's
obviously how everyone else feels so I guess I'll just conform to the community's selfish
attitude and screw everyone else, right? Unless, of course, I can use them... Isn't that the META?
Toxicity breeds toxicity.
PrimeSeptim wrote: »- Did you forgive and forget or plot your revenge?
alberichtano wrote: »
PrimeSeptim wrote: »Thanks for the replies.
I'm glad that there are people out there that understand my frustration.
I'm somewhat over it now but like I said this was mostly just a rant and an opportunity to vent my frustrations.
Some have missed the point entirely though but that's OK. I understand where you're coming
from and your input will be valuable for future reference under different circumstances.
You can stop reading here if you like as the below is just one big reply/adding on to what I've already said.
I'm not a hardcore PvP'r, therefore I haven't considered joining a guild.
I play casually, to have some fun, to RP... Not literally but just immersing myself in the battle and being on
the frontlines fighting for my faction. Maybe that's the problem. I like to think other people are this way and
not just all about RL competition, numbers, getting one over on another player, t-bagging, getting all sweaty,
tryharding, etc. I like to believe that others enjoy working as a team, even with non-guild/group members.
Embrace and promote camaraderie, as it would be if you were a real soldier. I like to think that I can just put
my faith in my fellow players and trust them to be at least somewhat kind, thoughtful and be willing to utilise
teamwork to achieve victory. That means sticking together, supporting each other, communicating and just
sometimes going out of your way to do what's best for your faction or fellow player, like reporting enemy zergs
or keeps under attack but not yet tagged or if you happen to see a fellow player struggling, assist them. If you're
on the offensive, ride together. Strength in numbers. Anything but thinking only about yourself. Maybe I expect
too much from folk. I don't understand the need for a guild or a group really. This is about common decency.
I also know about the leash and aggro radius. My character is only level 34 I think, I could've handled them
if absolutely necessary but they reset before I got the chance. I was just caught off guard and then shocked
by the other player's actions or lack thereof. But that's not the point. Sure there's plenty of ways to handle this
but my point is they just stood there doing nothing. I understand the majority were focusing on the siege
and breaching the main gate (though if I was one of them, I would have better situational awareness and
be looking over my shoulder to make sure there's no enemies sneaking up from behind or any players in
distress) but there were a good hand full of players just standing in a group doing nothing, or mounted and
following me and the mobs. Why couldn't they help- Was it too much trouble? Or do they just take pleasure
in other people's misfortunes? This is what gets me. It's trying to understand why. I refuse to believe there's
any rational explanation. I think they were just being idiots, standing by and laughing at the noob. It's sad.
I'm not a sorry sod. I don't mind dying to enemy players. I don't alt-f4. I just brush it off and return to the
battle and regroup with other players. I'm making a big deal out of nothing maybe with the above but
this example is one that could've left me very much KIA and I very much doubt any of those players would've
revived me. If they had just lifted a finger? No issues. However, I do have to say, this is one small part of a
much larger problem that exists in-game (and out! But shhh). It's not just PvP. It's everywhere. Selfishness,
self-interest, greed, etc. I guess I'm going a bit off topic and into philosophy and Human nature... Personally,
I try to resist giving into those tendencies. But it's hard and seemingly impossible for the vast majority of people.
Unfortunately, due to this sad reality, if I continue to be part of the 1%- being nice, lending a hand (even if get
nothing out of it), giving out freebies, etc, I'm at a serious disadvantage and at high risk of being taken
advantage of. You've got give to get and all I ever seem to do is give. I receive no thanks. This post is the
result of this and past frustrations caused by similar happenings. But so I don't stray any more off topic, I'll
just finish with this; I suppose it is what it is and some things will never change. I'll just try to remain optimistic
and seek out the elusive 1% of nice guys/gals. God only knows how many times I've reached this conclusion.
PrimeSeptim wrote: »(snip)
However, I do have to say, this is one small part of a
much larger problem that exists in-game (and out! But shhh). It's not just PvP. It's everywhere. Selfishness,
self-interest, greed, etc. I guess I'm going a bit off topic and into philosophy and Human nature... Personally,
I try to resist giving into those tendencies. But it's hard and seemingly impossible for the vast majority of people.
Unfortunately, due to this sad reality, if I continue to be part of the 1%- being nice, lending a hand (even if get
nothing out of it), giving out freebies, etc, I'm at a serious disadvantage and at high risk of being taken
advantage of. You've got give to get and all I ever seem to do is give. I receive no thanks.
I do have a question. As a healer in Cyrodiil does OP have offensive skills?
I ask, as someone new, it seems that it is a good idea to have damaging skills to handle attacks from players or, as in this case, NPCs.
PrimeSeptim wrote: »This is a little rant I guess but I would like to hear your thoughts!
- Have you experienced this or similar?
- What was/would be your reaction?
- Did it change your approach?
- Did you forgive and forget or plot your revenge?
So, Midyear Mayhem is here!
I hop onto my below 50 character for some good, old fashioned below 50 PvP action.
I find it's usually more fun than Vet PvP...
Anyway, I search for a group but receive zero response, even though I know there's a
group up. OK, no problem I guess, so I'll just watch chat, find the zerg and lend a hand
where I can. I do this for about an hour, helping them capture keeps/resources, healing
them, supporting, etc. Once or twice, I was the only thing between them and death.
Still no invite to group... OK, I guess it's whatever. No biggie.
Then I ride on over to the next keep and as I was about to set up my trebuchet, I somehow
pull aggro on two mobs and they start pounding my ass. I wasn't prepared for this abuse.
Now the whole point of this post is because while this was happening, none of the 20+
players participating in this siege ever bothered to step in and help. There was even a
group of 4 people just standing there (one even on their mount literally (spectating) following
me and the mobs) mocking me.
Why be like that? It's just scummy. I genuinely feel used. They were quick enough to take
all my heals/support and that's how they repay me? Really? I truly went beyond the call of
duty. I can't emphasise that enough. But despite that, I'm just left to fend for myself.
You know, I usually just lurk, keep to myself and try to have fun - most of the time I just do
whatever is best for me. I don't care about you. But then there's times, both in game and out
where I want to be a bit nicer and little less scrooge-like. It's nice to be nice. Do unto others
as you would them unto you. But then stuff like this happens and it reminds me that being
nice is never the way to go because you'll just be used and taken advantage of. Nice guys
finish last, right? Almost every time I try to be a nice person, it backfires. It's never worth it,
unless you gain something in return. You're either the predator or the prey. A sad truth.
This obviously isn't the worst thing to happen but anyway...
That's OK. Afterwards, I just leeched... I stood there spectating while they did all the
work. I still got my AP and rewards and that's how it'll be from now on. Why should I continue
to exert myself? Why should I be a team player? What do I get out of it? Nothing. That's
obviously how everyone else feels so I guess I'll just conform to the community's selfish
attitude and screw everyone else, right? Unless, of course, I can use them... Isn't that the META?
Toxicity breeds toxicity.
VaranisArano wrote: »
And if you aren't part of their group, I'm not surprised that no one in the group peeled off to help you with your NPCs. No offense, but when I played in a guild, my Crown would've been furious if I stopped healing my guild to go help out some random struggling with the guards.
He said they were just sitting there watching him and mocking him while he got his ___ kicked by the guards, though. They weren't doing anything aside from that. Not healing others, not playing with others... just sitting there laughing at him because he was getting whipped by guards.
I see no excuse for that kind of behavior. They sound like ___ _____ to me. So I can't blame the OP for being annoyed. Honestly it would have pissed me off too. lol
PrimeSeptim wrote: »This is a little rant I guess but I would like to hear your thoughts!
- Have you experienced this or similar?
- What was/would be your reaction?
- Did it change your approach?
- Did you forgive and forget or plot your revenge?
So, Midyear Mayhem is here!
I hop onto my below 50 character for some good, old fashioned below 50 PvP action.
I find it's usually more fun than Vet PvP...
Anyway, I search for a group but receive zero response, even though I know there's a
group up. OK, no problem I guess, so I'll just watch chat, find the zerg and lend a hand
where I can. I do this for about an hour, helping them capture keeps/resources, healing
them, supporting, etc. Once or twice, I was the only thing between them and death.
Still no invite to group... OK, I guess it's whatever. No biggie.
Then I ride on over to the next keep and as I was about to set up my trebuchet, I somehow
pull aggro on two mobs and they start pounding my ass. I wasn't prepared for this abuse.
Now the whole point of this post is because while this was happening, none of the 20+
players participating in this siege ever bothered to step in and help. There was even a
group of 4 people just standing there (one even on their mount literally (spectating) following
me and the mobs) mocking me.
Why be like that? It's just scummy. I genuinely feel used. They were quick enough to take
all my heals/support and that's how they repay me? Really? I truly went beyond the call of
duty. I can't emphasise that enough. But despite that, I'm just left to fend for myself.
You know, I usually just lurk, keep to myself and try to have fun - most of the time I just do
whatever is best for me. I don't care about you. But then there's times, both in game and out
where I want to be a bit nicer and little less scrooge-like. It's nice to be nice. Do unto others
as you would them unto you. But then stuff like this happens and it reminds me that being
nice is never the way to go because you'll just be used and taken advantage of. Nice guys
finish last, right? Almost every time I try to be a nice person, it backfires. It's never worth it,
unless you gain something in return. You're either the predator or the prey. A sad truth.
This obviously isn't the worst thing to happen but anyway...
That's OK. Afterwards, I just leeched... I stood there spectating while they did all the
work. I still got my AP and rewards and that's how it'll be from now on. Why should I continue
to exert myself? Why should I be a team player? What do I get out of it? Nothing. That's
obviously how everyone else feels so I guess I'll just conform to the community's selfish
attitude and screw everyone else, right? Unless, of course, I can use them... Isn't that the META?
Toxicity breeds toxicity.
shadyjane62 wrote: »What the OP describes it what I see in pvp all the time now. I swear it didn't use to be this way. I do my dailies ignore all the cries for help (remembering these were the people who ran by and left me on the ground in the middle of nowhere) and gather my ap and rewards.
I will heal, but not petsorcs ever.