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Stop auto joining Area Chat!

I'm playing on PS5 and everytime I log in, I am auto joined to area voice chat.

The PS5 controllers don't need a mic to be plugged in and are unmuted by default, sometimes it can be 10-15 minutes before I realise its on

This is a fairly large privacy issue that needs to be fixed, I've heard other players discussing personal things on mic that they probably don't know are being broadcast
Edited by Adzer2 on June 24, 2021 6:16PM
PS4 - EU - DC
Adzer - Breton Templar
Thorgon Stormcaller - Nord Dragonknight
Elrond Smeagol - High Elf Sorceror
Akorithi Sendu - Redguard Nightblade
Miraak Icelight - Nord Warden
Father Dori - Breton Templar
Argo - Argonian Dragonknight
  • Blinx
    it's not just on ps, does it on Xbox also...and yes very annoying
  • daveqjr
    There's an option in controller settings to have your controller mic muted when you log in.
  • Adzer2
    daveqjr wrote: »
    There's an option in controller settings to have your controller mic muted when you log in.

    Thanks for that, thats a decent workaround for now but it still shouldn't add you area voice chat automatically, should be an opt in, rather than an opt out
    PS4 - EU - DC
    Adzer - Breton Templar
    Thorgon Stormcaller - Nord Dragonknight
    Elrond Smeagol - High Elf Sorceror
    Akorithi Sendu - Redguard Nightblade
    Miraak Icelight - Nord Warden
    Father Dori - Breton Templar
    Argo - Argonian Dragonknight
  • daveqjr
    Adzer2 wrote: »
    daveqjr wrote: »
    There's an option in controller settings to have your controller mic muted when you log in.

    Thanks for that, thats a decent workaround for now but it still shouldn't add you area voice chat automatically, should be an opt in, rather than an opt out

    Couldn't agree with you more
  • GenjiraX
    Yes, absolutely! So annoying.
  • six2fall
    It's a feature. A really really really stupid one. Zos said the auto join is on purpose but the auto join with active mic isnt. Well I have my ps5 set to mute on launch so I dont care about that so much as i cant stand as soon as i log in i have a bunch of numbnuts screaming into their mics or playing crap music. It's so load some times & even if i can turn it off with 3 buttons that's at least a few seconds of idiots that can wake people when I just wanted to play
  • Mik195
    It probably is another ZOS "engagement" tool. Log in, click to pick up daily reward, slowly click and leave chat, more clicking to see endeavors and after all that you can play the game.

    I dislike it very much since I will never use it.
  • TequilaFire
    It is very annoying on PS4, I didn't know it was a "feature" added for PS5.
    It also enables itself when you change zones on PS4.
    Was hoping it was a bug.
    Edited by TequilaFire on June 24, 2021 9:17PM
  • Ken_Koerperich

    I knew about the "auto" hot mic ahead of time. Have it set to "OFF" but this game, when logging in really sucks!

    Auridon EVERY f n time...

    Some goof blaring at ear deafening volume some stupid music or some tweaker kid screaming about this or that....

    Please STOP making me log in with it on??!!!
  • shadowofzeb14_ESO
    The worse thing I've noticed is even though I have the player volume setting set to 0 on Xbox I can still hear people. Before patch this wasn't an issue. So now I have to turn off area chat everytime I log in (or coming back from the new crashes I've been having when fast traveling..)

    Otherwise when I go to towns I get to hear people yelling at their girlfriends and eating chips...
  • Smitch_59
    Yeah, I hate this "feature." I thought it was a new bug. So first thing I do after logging on is exit zone chat.
    By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
  • redlink1979
    Hey everyone, thanks for all your reports on this. Just wanted to touch on a few things called out:
    It is intended that you automatically join zone chat
    It is NOT intended that you automatically join with talk enabled - this is a bug that we will fix in a future incremental patch (...)
    No one wants this, nobody asked for this, but those in charge don't care...
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • NewBlacksmurf
    This only made sense at launch because it was the only way to communicate. I have been away for almost a year and didn’t realize it was just added back.

    Odd change
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on June 24, 2021 11:35PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Ken_Koerperich
    Not to mention, I stream on YT, and some knob blaring music at full volume, which ends up being "copyrighted" material gets me flagged, video slapped until I remove it, no matter how quick I shut off the area chat....

    Needs to be OFF until we turn it ON.....

  • Hapexamendios
    Joining area chat should not be automatic. It's my choice if I want to chat. As mentioned above too many times you log in and some idiot is blaring music. This is not a feature, it's an unnecessary annoyance.
  • Mik195
    So wouldn't it be illegal if someone joined while engaged in adult activities and ZOS auto broadcast it to all the players under 18? Seems like a dangerous bug.

    Or maybe ZOS has more confidence in random people than I do.
    Edited by Mik195 on June 24, 2021 11:40PM
  • daveqjr
    daveqjr wrote: »
    There's an option in controller settings to have your controller mic muted when you log in.

    Edit: It's in the sound settings, not controller
  • TequilaFire
    Makes no sense this was done on purpose, what was their reasoning behind it?
    I am getting strange vibes from this team lately.
    Edited by TequilaFire on June 25, 2021 1:04AM
  • Amerises
    I love loading in to have my speakers almost blown out and my ear drums popped because the same person sits in cities with their music as loud as possible right next to their mic and even though they are blocked, it no longer stops their mic. You report them and a weekater you run I to them again and just want to log off ...
  • Hanokihs
    Mik195 wrote: »
    So wouldn't it be illegal if someone joined while engaged in adult activities and ZOS auto broadcast it to all the players under 18? Seems like a dangerous bug.

    Or maybe ZOS has more confidence in random people than I do.

    Doubtful, because according to the ToS, everyone playing should be 18 or older. That's like saying it's illegal for [insert XXX Yotube clone of choice] to make their videos available to the public, just in case a 14 year old decides to lie about their age and visit anyway.
    "I haven't really played much yet, but lemme tell you all about how the game should include X and be a lot more like Y!" - Half the posters on this forum.
    "I've been here for years, and lemme tell you all about how they should never change or evolve Z, because then the game would be ruined forever." - The other half of posters on this forum.
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    This is so bad.

    I was in pvp at the gates. Heard a guy having a full blown fight with his girlfriend. He apparently cheated on her and she found out. I whispered him to turn off his mic 😬
    Edited by OutLaw_Nynx on June 25, 2021 4:01AM
  • torchwood_agent
    I also was placed in group chat with unknown players, even though I was logged into a guild chat and was not a member of a group. They did not know I was there, and I had to have someone else group with me to pull me out of the mystery chat. Super creepy.
  • SickleCider
    I absolutely hate this. I have game voice chat disabled (on PS4 it's a setting in the pop up menu), but people have been SO toxic lately. They're constantly screaming at each other in zone chat, because doing so on mic isn't enough.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
    You guys should I have seen the bug last night on XBox at about 10:30 eastern time. I dropped out of an XBox party right before I was going to log off and all of a sudden I could hear 2 people talking. Assuming it was area chat I went to turn it off. Nope.

    Just 2 random people I was all of a sudden talking to in no chats whatsoever. Both of them were in completely different areas of the game too. Then … and this is where it gets extra fun … more people randomly kept joining. It was a completely spontaneous ESO meet and greet. By the time I logged off there were at least a half dozen completely confused but seriously entertained people talking.

    Once again, none of us knew each other (except one guy who knew me lol), no one was in a party or any chat and we were in completely different places in the game.

    Part of me hopes this is a huge bug that will grow to encompass all of Tamriel just to hear that insanity. Only took 6 people for one to bring up cannibalism. It got dark pretty quick.
  • Hoolielulu
    My favorite part was before I even realized auto zone chat was now a thing I was in BOTH zone and guild at the same time so some strangers got to hear us talking guild business. I still don't even know how that worked.
  • Puzzlenuts
    Area voice chat is the absolute gutter for forms of communication in this game. Why force us into this on log in?
  • dotme
    Yeah this is a creepy "feature" for sure. Hearing all kinds of things in zone that I'm pretty sure is a result of people not realizing their mic is on. Domestic disputes, personal phone calls etc. Not a good look, ZOS.
    Hoolielulu wrote: »
    My favorite part was before I even realized auto zone chat was now a thing I was in BOTH zone and guild at the same time so some strangers got to hear us talking guild business. I still don't even know how that worked.

    See my post directly above yours. It can get even weirder than that.
  • lillybit
    Totally agree with everyone! Even without the mic issue (it's appalling that was even allowed to go live!) it's a really bad idea. It kinda makes sense with group chat and I can live with the odd weird pug for the convenience of it being ready to chat with friends.

    Zone chat can be so toxic tho, nobody should be forced to go there unless it's their choice. Text zone chat is bad enough and we can't turn that off either.

    Also as has already been mentioned, turning player voice right down in the settings does nothing.

    I don't understand the thought behind this one at all. PC don't even have a voice chat but they need to force it on us? It's just weird.
    PS4 EU
  • Odovacar
    It's been crazy lately, I agree! Please mute if not intending to dialog if on PS5. Also, your name pops in the bottom right corner so there is always that for indicator as well.
    Edited by Odovacar on June 25, 2021 3:06PM
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