VampReworkFailed wrote: »
The dark elf Naryu is a good assassin that helps us doe.
Assassin's at least kill for a job. Vampires mostly, quite literally, kill to survive and don't have a moral compass.
VampReworkFailed wrote: »
The dark elf Naryu is a good assassin that helps us doe.
Assassin's at least kill for a job. Vampires mostly, quite literally, kill to survive and don't have a moral compass.
spartaxoxo wrote: »Morag Tong is still repairing it's rep and thus a Daggerfall character may not have a good view towards it. Bastian is familiar with the noble houses and one of them is a house of vampires that also help us. Count Verandis. Bastian would probably be aware of him and have a good opinion of their work. He'd probably also be sympathetic to the idea that they aren't choosing to kill for a living but rather have a disease that compels them too. Thus the choice they must make is NOT killing and it's a difficult one.
thrashtilldeath666cub18_ESO wrote: »spartaxoxo wrote: »Morag Tong is still repairing it's rep and thus a Daggerfall character may not have a good view towards it. Bastian is familiar with the noble houses and one of them is a house of vampires that also help us. Count Verandis. Bastian would probably be aware of him and have a good opinion of their work. He'd probably also be sympathetic to the idea that they aren't choosing to kill for a living but rather have a disease that compels them too. Thus the choice they must make is NOT killing and it's a difficult one.
House Ravenwatch being good aligned vampires is very much a secret that only very few people are aware of. In the questline it's often mentioned how they are distrusted, but that's not because they're vampires, but because the Count used to have ties with House Montclair,the instigators of the hostilities around Shornhelm during the quests. Also a likely extra cause for mistrust and dislike is that he's an altmer from what's said to be an old family, I assume his lineage being a holdout from back when the elves ruled over High Rock.
The player character learns of the vampire stuff during the questline, so if you're questing there with Bastian technically he'd learn that as well. But by default I'd say he likely isn't aware, as their vampirism is a well-kept secret known only to a very few. A favourite pastime for the traditionally very quarrelsome Breton nobility is scheming and backstabbing, and outing a rival House as vampires is likely a good cause for any ambitious social climber to incite a political scandal / angry mob uprising and take their lands for themselves. Especially since vampires are generally portrayed as evil in the setting, with the occasional good aligned vampire being very rare.