Sep Scales and by Leki's blade, Long have you ignored Hammerfell! Its quite obvious and logical that it should be top candidate for next region or i will inform Sai Sahan , do not provoke his wrath!
Are you with me or you dislike curved swords???
Look the room and empty points of interest, towns,etc.
Plenty of room,Incredible potential. Hammerfell is a large region.
NOTABLE MENTION: Possibly the greatest candidate as few have said for TES VI or next ESO Chapter or DLC the land has seen so much, had infulence of Dwemer Ayileds,Yokuda So many ruins and untold secrets. It has so much to offer.
There is room for 3 more regions look at the map here
Southern Alk'ir Central Hammerfell , Southern Hammerfell
Southen lands are called Corten Heights
Also bit of West as well. We have not seen Approximately 50% Of Hammerfell
Crude maps:
As you see there is so much more to add and fill that massive SouthEastern gap
17 - Weeping Desert (Hammerfell)
18 - Sunforge (Hammerfell)
19 - Goldmoor, the chain & west Abecean isles
(Hammerfell) eventual EXPANSION and points of interest - IMAGES -
Tis a fascinating region shrouded in mystery, filled with wondrous lore , hardy folk underrated beauties and most importantly those warriors from Hammerfell, they have curved Swords.
There should be a special place in which i wish to express my extreme intrigue and obsession about Sands and Swords, tis not yet time and it will sap away days of my life existence.