I've been running BG's for the last couple of months, solo or with a friend. Not sure what kind of balancing algorithm they use for placing players into groups but until this week I felt it worked sort of OK. I've been mostly in mixed skill groups and up against groups with roughly the same mix. Some matches I'd win, some we'd come second, some we'd lose. But it was nearly always closely run. Occasionally I'd end up in a match which seemed to have a pre-made in and we'd be totally outclasssed but that was the exception. This week it's all changed. Something seems completely off in the group assignments. I've been queuing solo and I've been put in groups with players of my skill level or worse (from looking at our scores at the end of the game) but we've been set up against teams which outclass us by miles - I can't prove that they're pre-mades but the skill levels of the complete group seem to point at it. Sometimes it's just one group, sometimes its both opposing groups. But my teams will die and die and die. My friend I often play with was telling me I just need to git gud (true). But he joined me today and we were completely outclassed when queuing together. We figured it might be because we queued as a group and tried queuing solo. We ended up in the same match but in opposing teams. This time, our teams were about the same level as each other (scores and kills at end of the game)..... but the third team was way beyond both our teams.
I don't mind losing. I don't mind getting a beat down. But when it's every single match it is not fun.......this seems like something is not working right. I'm certain it's not that I've scored so high that now I've been put into the big boys pool - my scores weren't great. More than that, the folks I've been put into the big boys pool with, definitely don't belong there anymore than I do
So I guess I'm writing hoping that ZOS will take a look see and see if something is not working as intended?
Edited by GreasyDave on June 20, 2021 3:01PM