FYI: Did you know, it is possible to maintain all aggro in the room without a single taunt on your bar? It is. Know how I know? Because I've done it. I have tanked without a single taunt ability on my bar, and maintained all the aggro in the room for the duration of the fight. Boss or trash.
There are more ways to accomplish the same goals. Whether it be how one tanks, heals, or even does DPS.
There's only two ways to accomplish that. Either A) he's completely solo therefore the only person who can be aggroed is himself, or B ) he's using the tormentor set and a qualifying ability as his taunt. Anything else and he's talking fluff.
VaranisArano wrote: »One of the Templar abilities, Radiant Aura, isn't a true taunt, but at least for a while it seemed to be pretty good at getting and keeping aggro for a lot of mobs at once.
But I suggest you try asking the player who said that in the first place. If they want to share their build, it'll help a lot more than our guesses.
VaranisArano wrote: »
(Ironically, I've also held boss aggro for an entire fight with no the healer, when we had a fake tank.)
Tormentor set and lotus fan, probably.
Tormentor set and lotus fan, probably.
VaxtinTheWolf wrote: »
VaxtinTheWolf wrote: »
VaranisArano wrote: »One of the Templar abilities, Radiant Aura, isn't a true taunt, but at least for a while it seemed to be pretty good at getting and keeping aggro for a lot of mobs at once.
But I suggest you try asking the player who said that in the first place. If they want to share their build, it'll help a lot more than our guesses.
Hey, I remember using that trick back in the day now that you mention it! Blast from the past! haha
Is it even capable of aggro'ing enemies anymore, though? IIRC Minor Magickasteal from things like Ele Drain used to aggro but don't initiate fights anymore. My memory's a bit hazy, due to a ~2 year break I only came back from this year...
Starlight_Whisper wrote: »VaxtinTheWolf wrote: »
You sure because they did update they included everything but sorc bolt escape as far as I recall. Also werewolf leap would be same as lotus fan as teleports
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »To answer the question, yes, I was using Tormentor set. I have a Nightblade tank build with Tormentor, and on the front bar I use Ambush, and on the backbar I use Silver Leash and a 2-hander with the AOE charge ability, and all of those act as my taunts on that build.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »Dk chains are great at getting aggro without being any kind of taunt, but that is all I can think of.
VaxtinTheWolf wrote: »Lotus Fan never worked for the Tormentor set. I commented on it in the PTS, like I have with several other issues but it's as if most things I say are an issue never get seen so at this point I've nearly stopped caring what happens with this game. Been waiting on those promised Base Game Class Tank/Healer changes for over 2 years now. The reason Lotus Fan does not work is because it's still a Single Target ability on the initial hit, and just so happens to have an AOE component added on. Tormentor set only works on abilities where the initial hit is AOE, if that's the effect you were after.
I've been trying to tell them that the CP node that reduces the cost of Damage Shields, 'Shield Master', hasn't effected Sun Shield since it was implemented in the new system, but does reduces the cost of all the other Damage Shields. Did they omit this on purpose? If it's not a Damage Shield then what the hell is it?
Sanguinor2 wrote: »Dk chains are great at getting aggro without being any kind of taunt, but that is all I can think of.
Chains don't taunt. They never did. The only exception is when paired with the Tormentor set.
Chains don't taunt. They never did. The only exception is when paired with the Tormentor set.
a long long time ago enemies would auto agro the first group person that attacked them so it would be a stanard procedure for the tank to drop caltrops as soon as they ran into the room and it was up to the DPS to kill them before they lost agro... I think this ended like 10 cycles ago though?
Sanguinor2 wrote: »Dk chains are great at getting aggro without being any kind of taunt, but that is all I can think of.
Chains don't taunt. They never did. The only exception is when paired with the Tormentor set.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »Dk chains are great at getting aggro without being any kind of taunt, but that is all I can think of.
Chains don't taunt. They never did. The only exception is when paired with the Tormentor set.