I check the first several pages to see if this has been brought up already and didn't see anything, so I apologize in advance if this is redundant question, however.... Where the hell are they? There are no markers, no indications you can see from afar, that the Dolmens are spawning and who in development thought playing hide and seek with dolmens was a good idea? (Whoever thought of this should not get their year end bonus)
I finished the main quest couple days ago, hit all the delves and public dungeons and during that time, have come across the dolmens several times. I don't even remember where I saw some of those portal locations.
To the Developers, throw your fan base a bone, we need some kind of indication that the Dolmens are opening, it would be nice to see something on the map or preferably something in the horizon because running around the map looking for Dolmens is simply ridiculous.
Everyone is going in one direction, I'm going the other direction