She is impossibly gorgeous, Witty, Bendy as any Bosmer , Badass - Willing to take a Risk. An intriguing story and plenty of dialogue. Elegant, Eloquent, Both Charming and bit intimidating in same time. I must say her Facial Aesthetics and character is one the most developed - I would very much like her as an Companion in future updates if such a thing is possible mayhap? Gorgeous I cannot stop staring at her face and fantasising in general.
By Sacred Swords of Yokuda! Stars for she is nearly incomparable. Although I once had obsession and thing for High Kin-Lady Estre she is fallen, extremely manipulative and cold.
Quen is my love. She can probably toss me with ease in real life. I haven't been playing properly for last 3 months more or less or at all and I must immediately continue with Quen story as first thing when I log in. Forget Blackwood and boring Eveli.

The art is perfect whoever fashioned it must be eligible for award. as well.
Edited by Vanya on June 14, 2021 9:22AM