After todays CP nerf on console, I already have over 50 red and over 75 blue useless CP points due to there not being any more passives to put them in, and I don't even have 1800 CP.
After todays CP nerf on console, I already have over 50 red and over 75 blue useless CP points due to there not being any more passives to put them in, and I don't even have 1800 CP.
Thats likely because you only have a single spec on your character. Iam nearly CP 1600. Iam a main Tank, but also need a DD spec for solo content. My current projection requires me to reach CP 2100 just to finish the blue tree (all passives and 4 aciives for tank and 4 actives for DD).
Please keep in mind that players that need more than one spec based on their roles or gameplay already have the short end of the stick and more passives dont help the situation in any way.
Yeahy! You cleared the game.After todays CP nerf on console, I already have over 50 red and over 75 blue useless CP points due to there not being any more passives to put them in, and I don't even have 1800 CP.
Yeahy! You cleared the game.After todays CP nerf on console, I already have over 50 red and over 75 blue useless CP points due to there not being any more passives to put them in, and I don't even have 1800 CP.
Seriously though, if there are many stars to invest in, people complain that the skill cap is too high and it takes too much grinding to be competitive.
And when there are fewer stars to invest in, people complain that they have too many CP sitting around.
They can never win, can they?
Exactly. There's a lot of players who run all the content, PvE and PvP, with the same char. Myself included.Having large amount of CP gives you the option to switch slottables without spending 3k for a respec. (...) If you do (...) play other things on the same character you will want to invest in more than 4 slottables. (...)
redlink1979 wrote: »Exactly. There's a lot of players who run all the content, PvE and PvP, with the same char. Myself included.Having large amount of CP gives you the option to switch slottables without spending 3k for a respec. (...) If you do (...) play other things on the same character you will want to invest in more than 4 slottables. (...)
so nah, I dont buy Your argument for OPhe also could dont need to respec his cp to run other role, I understand you prefer to do it but so it is no needed for everyone making many cp just useless
like also I guess most people also wont have need to have so many cp for single character to do few roles when they already can or have alts to do other roles
like literally everyone from my trial/pvp guild and most of friend if not everyone, all of them have just alts some or dozen of alts and they have no need to run few roles on single characterleaving just more and more cp usless as more of them their are getting if they already sit at 1.5k+ cp
If you run multiple builds on one character, it being TANK+DPS or even PVE and PVP builds, then you are much better of to create an extra character for that role.
I'm not saying that it wouldn't be useful to be able to do what you want, I'm just saying that the game is not designed for that goal. There is no way to save your gear and skill layout, which would be the first requirement for such an option.
You can get away with some addons on PC, but on console not even that is possible.
So if that would be the intent of having "options" above a certain CP, then the design flaw would be that the game does not support multiple character layouts in it's tooling.
TequilaFire wrote: »Heaven help I have to spend gold acquired free in game to respec.
That isn't a good reason for a bad system.
Toxic_Hemlock wrote: »As for the red and blue trees, IMO there should enough slots available for your chosen role. If I am melee DPS, and have earned the points, I should be able to slot the appropriate abilities and have the less impactful abilities be passives. Same goes for healer and tank.
Andre_Noir wrote: »I'm somewhat okay with blue and red cp (still don't get why so many def moved from red to blue) BUT that green actives.
Why it's even has SO MANY actives
Did you seen that passive "blah-blah when you got caught on stealing ONCE PER DAY" - and that is an ACTIVE star LOL
snip...Toxic_Hemlock wrote: »As for the red and blue trees, IMO there should enough slots available for your chosen role. If I am melee DPS, and have earned the points, I should be able to slot the appropriate abilities and have the less impactful abilities be passives. Same goes for healer and tank.
The problem is that this would simply allow people to go back to what we had before the new system - basically, being able to slot for strong damage, strong tankiness/survivability, AND also have strong healing. (Incidentally, you can still kinda do this, but the new system does prevent it from being as extreme as it was in the original system).
Toxic_Hemlock wrote: »I snipped out parts here, to reply to just this bit. I am not saying I want strong DPS, TANK, and HEALING. I am saying if I choose to say be a stamina DPS that the slotted abilities become relevant to my chosen role.
For example, I won't care about having really good spell penetration so that would not be slotted, however the physical penetration would be much more useful. So with 4 slotables, for example, I would have physical penetration, physical crit chance, stamina regen, and finally physical crit damage. The passives could be increased stamina, armor, and a few others regardless of type of character. If you were to go for a healer/tank role these slots would not be handy for your playstyle, but the passives could still be useful to you.
Being able to "jack of all trades" all the time is of course ridiculous, well save for the green tree as stated above, but with a bit of thought you could make it so your role is more defined without feeling as if the CPP points are wasted.