ShadowWolf44 wrote: »This is just for discussion. I'd still like to know why it's ok to always do maintenance during, (basically), set times- which shut's down all game play for people who work at night. Most times, responses are like people who work nights shouldn't be bothered by this, even thought they pay their money, just like everyone else. They say we should just "deal with it" &, it's because there are fewer on during those hours.
Ok, the latter is obvious, and has some standing- never said it didn't. The former? Try putting them on the day players for a year. You know, so they can just "deal with it". Night players have had to deal with this from the beginning, with nary any kind of "compensation", whatsoever. So Zos, is also, (Basically), stating, "deal with it".
Well, these last few weeks, we've lost 3 full gaming nights. And this one, for the drop? Off at 8pm my time, and STILL GOING- It's almost 4:00am. & the time has changed AGAIN, to until 5:00am, w/no guarantees. It was supposed to end @12:00am.
The main problem is the, "Just deal with it" garbage. We have been, for MANY YEARS. You do this to the day players? You'll have mutiny on your hands, and a new breed of whiner, never before seen.
A year or two ago I brought this up, and asked Zos to consider some type of compensation, for those of us who've had to deal with this for so long- I mean, at least to show you understand it isn't RIGHT to affect just one group, because our jobs require us to work nights, or, for many others, they worked nights for so long, they've built their lives around this, making adjustments extremely difficult, so they continue as they always have.
Of course, my last post, and, I've no doubt this one, will be met with attacks from those who've never had to deal with any of this, because they have no idea how WRONG it is to just up and expect people, who are no different, pay their fees, are well invested in this game & support it, to lose entire gaming sessions due to "maintenance", and "just deal with it".
Especially when things DON'T get fixed for MONTHS, like being unable to scroll items being sold or put back up on Traders.
I would think it would be pretty simple to just come up with something nice, just to show you appreciate those of us who HAVE BEEN "just dealing" with this, for so many years.
So, what do ya'll think? Have a discussion. I'll be watching w/interest- but responding rarely, if at all- I've already written a book here.
JayKwellen wrote: »If you're a fellow night shifter then you should already know the answer.
No one cares about night shift =(
stewhead2ub17_ESO wrote: »OP @ least be honest. This isn't a thread to have a "discussion". This is a veiled rant. I spent the majority of my career working night shift. Perhaps you're new to it? Bottom line is you have to be flexible to adjust to the world, not expect the world to adjust to you. ZOS is a private business that can set their schedules as they like. Regardless, some people are always going to be inconvenienced whenever it happens. This idea that the "misery should be spread around among everyone" is ridiculous & childish. Stop the silliness.
What is night time for you is basically the whole morning and a big chunk of the evening for most of Europe and for Asia it is basically all afternoon and evening. This feels like such an American-centric rant, the world doesn't revolve around you.
10 pm EDT aka 4 am CET to 7 am EDT aka 1 pm CET is like the most effective schedule to do maintenance, because both NA and EU are in sync online population-wise.
Wandering_Immigrant wrote: »It's just simple math, there's more people on during the day, so less people are effected by scheduling these things at night.
I'm a fellow night shifter, so I'm in the same boat. You should know by now the world doesn't revolve around people like us and most people will never "get it". I mean, just try getting to a bank or mechanic before they close when you typically don't get to bed till 8 in the morning, it's an ordeal.
At least here maintenance is only a once a week thing. In the rest of the world daytime bias is a 24/7 thing, Most people will never even think about it because thier work schedule puts them in the "normal" category, so why would they.
JayKwellen wrote: »If you're a fellow night shifter then you should already know the answer.
No one cares about night shift =(
2nd this as so very true.
In reality I can understand and accept that they do work on nights because it make the most sense because I am sure that's when the smallest number of people playing.
Stay safe and enjoy the journey 😊
PS. ZOS you didn’t fix the micromanagement of the green tree 🥺
Not that they are gonna do anything about it, but I understand your anger.
I just recently went back to day shift (first time in about 5 years) and I'll be honest, it took me 2 years to figure out not to take vacation days during launch week because that made me extra angry that not only did I have to deal with it, I always wasted a vacation day that was meant for play time because they would always have unscheduled maintenance on that day as well.
ShadowWolf44 wrote: »What is night time for you is basically the whole morning and a big chunk of the evening for most of Europe and for Asia it is basically all afternoon and evening. This feels like such an American-centric rant, the world doesn't revolve around you.
10 pm EDT aka 4 am CET to 7 am EDT aka 1 pm CET is like the most effective schedule to do maintenance, because both NA and EU are in sync online population-wise.
And I've ZERO problem, and have been dealing with this, for MANY years now. Over 4, to be exact.
People keep seeming to miss the main point- How is it OK, to have say, two groups of people, each paying for the very SAME product? But ONE group? They REMOVE 1/4 of their product, because they company which creates it all? Must make sure they can continue doing so, at a high level for everyone.
So hey, group that get's 1/4 of their content removed? You just DEAL WITH IT- While the OTHER group, get's FULL content, uninterrupted.
This is UNFAIR.
So, what I've put up for discussion, is WHY is this ok, without COMPENSATING, in some way, those who've been dealing with this issue QUITELY, for many YEARS?
We are in another maintenance break as I type this. GREAT! Make the game better! FIX the major problems!, (lol, yeah, right), But, if you're going to strip away the time for playing, from people who PAY, the very SAME AMOUNT, as everyone else? Hows bout you maybe give them 4 Crown Crates? 4 Grand XP Scrolls, every time you do this?
Why would ANYONE object to this kind of FAIRNESS, especially when many of those who play late, as I do? Are some of their most LOYAL and dedicated players?
THAT is the main point, of my post.
I put it up for discussion, but then had some medical issues, so I apologize for not being able to respond earlier.
I think this is just simple, common sense, and FAIR ways to treat people. And to NOT just assume, that people don't CARE, that they lose an entire day's, (nights) play.