I voted khajiit but specifically what I want is a senche-raht who can be both a companion and a mount.
I like the look of the senche-raht mounts we've had so far but I don't like the idea of using another person as a mount and then never speaking to them or involving them in other activities and effectively treating them like an animal.
I think a senche-raht companion mount could solve that problem. Functionally it might need to be two separate things, so they show up in both the mount and the companion menus and as far as the game is concerned they're different (which would also allow those who want it to use them just as a companion or just as a mount) but those who want to could use the two together to create the effect of a companion who can also be a mount.
Bosmer that hates when you harvest plants for alchemy would be funny...
redlink1979 wrote: »Instead of the options "Another Dunmer" or "Another Imperial", you could have listed Maomer, Kothringi and Reachmen.
redspecter23 wrote: »Anything that isn't a Khajiit... but it will probably be a Khajiit.