[FIXED] Guild Bank Deposit Cooldown Bug

There appears to be a new 10s cooldown on re-depositing recently stacked or withdrawn items to a Guild Bank. This is ruining the Roomba addon's performance.

Please either implement a proper Stack All keybind for guild banks, or remove this cooldown.
Edited by silvereyes on June 9, 2021 2:05PM
  • silvereyes
    Note that using the Stack All Items keybind does not trigger the cooldown, nor does just a normal deposit of any slot that has not recently been manually stacked or withdrawn.

    However, manually withdrawing and then depositing, or manually stacking and then depositing will trigger the cooldown. Here is an example of manually stacking and the resulting 10s delay in a deposit.
  • Sheen
    Thanks silvereyes for investigation.
    We really need a fix for this, guild bank management is even more a pain than before because of this.

    Any feedback about this bug ? @ZOS_JessicaFolsom / @ZOS_Adrikoth / @ZOS_GinaBruno

  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    I'll add my simple tiny voice to this : ZOS, please fix this, it's a real PITA.

    And thx to @silvereyes for taking the time to maintain the addon and investigate this sort of issues - even though time's short.

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on June 7, 2021 11:01AM
  • perfiction
    It looks like conscious decision, not a bug. ZOS implemented 10 seconds server-side cooldown without even mentioning it in patch notes.

    Players: ask ZOS to implement 'quick stack' function in guild banks
    ZOS: ignores them
    Players: make an addon to stack guild bank items
    ZOS: add insane cooldown to heavily impair the addon

    They did the same thing with Jack of all trades addon - they added 30 seconds coldown on swapping slottable CP stars without any mention about it in patch notes (the cooldown wasn't there on PTS but it suddenly appeared on live server).

    side note - I'm curious if the following behavior:
    1. Withdraw all stackable items
    2. Stack
    3. Deposit all items back
    triggers the cooldown as well. I'll try to do it and let you know.
    Edited by perfiction on June 7, 2021 12:58PM
  • Asp3ct
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, this timer is very tedious for managing guild bank with resources, and i have 2 of them for holding lots of different stuff. I could accept it, if server would activate it during peak hours or under big load, but for sure not 24\7

    Anyway, we REALLY need some rework for guild banking. All of "Stack All" , "Split" and "Mouseover Stack" options, so people stop using work-around addons and tedious methods to make it work, requiring us to move items back and forth. Maybe even making those options available as a setup in guild roles management.

    And having Stack All and other options theoretically should even lower amount of operations for server needed to stack everything up, because it will remove some "layers" like moving everything to inventory, doing operation and moving everything back. Less client to server requests and operations = better, so actually, if you are looking for performance increasing - this is it, not cooldown timers, its just unpractical.
    Edited by Asp3ct on June 7, 2021 1:56PM
  • perfiction
    Roomba started working just fine today, lol. I stacked plenty of items and delay was gone. Did ZOS revert their server-side cooldown (or fix a bug causing the delay)?

    Anyway, Roomba and AGS back in buisness! <3
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    perfiction wrote: »
    Roomba started working just fine today, lol. I stacked plenty of items and delay was gone. Did ZOS revert their server-side cooldown (or fix a bug causing the delay)?

    Anyway, Roomba and AGS back in buisness! <3

    Confirmed !
    thank you for this excellent news !
    And thx to whoever made it happen ! (I guess it's on ZOS since Rommba hasn't been updated today).
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