I have run it I would say 95% of the time since its buff and works too well with just about everything other than a magsorc. I don’t think another monster set has been anywhere close to as strong as balorgh since it got the pen added to it. This set is not outright broken but what it offers just plays too well with how the meta and the game itself plays. With the current health pool most players run, you aren’t really likely to kill most people without an ult and that’s where balorgh thrives. If the game played where most people ran around with 24k health and medium/light again, balorgh would be total overkill but to kill players with huge health pools, double stacked wards and sitting around near capped resistances balorgh just brings so much burst potential with no drawbacks that sets like kena have.
Getting killed by a nightblade ganker or bomber with balorgh isn’t aggravating and those glass cannon builds should be effectively 1 hitting or instant bursting you down. The problem is that its the other set alongside malacath that enables the permanent rolling tank 35k health+ meta and can give what would be without it a relatively toothless builds equal or more damage than a build in medium or light. There is a severe problem in this game with the raw damage output that can be achieved on a tanky build thanks to a few key sets and this is one of them. Wardens and necros can run around with 35-40k health and 1. Have far too much health to be burst down with any conventional combo and 2. Have far too much healing to killed by any real open world DOT build (both having cleanses doesn’t help) whilst simultaneously pumping out as much damage (nearly all of which is AOE) as most builds in medium or light. Now it could interpreted that warden, necro and heavy armour need to be targeted (which they most certainly do) but when 1 monster set outperforms nearly all others by such a significant margin on all builds (ranging from gankers to tanks), it really shows that it needs adjusting.