Anyone on PC willing to test something? (Proc Pet Damage)

I'd do it, but I'm on console, so there are still several days till we get the patch.

I'm curious about the damage dealt by pet summoning proc sets, and if it changes as your weapon and spell damage values change while the pet is summoned, or is the damage the pet does based on a stat "snap shot" at the time of summoning.

For example, you have Morkuldin on your SnB back bar, light attack to summon it, then you switch to NMA 2H front bar. Your weapon damage goes way up when you swap bars. Does the damage dealt by your Morkuldin pet increase as well, or is it stuck at the lower back bar SnB value?

Thanks for any insights!

An overly eager friend on console :smile:
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
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