-Setting to move the new backRow action slot timer (you need to enable them in the combat settings of the game) on teh x and y axis
-Setting to show the seconds left at the backRow texture
-> No other features like fonts, colors etc. are planned so please do not ask for it! If you want more settings for the action slot timers use the addon "Action Duration Reminder" instead!
-> Other known bugs of the timers like disappearing timers or not shown timers of wall of elements etc. are not fixed as they need a fix by ZOs
Fixes of current game bugs:
-Fixes ZOs stack number on the new action slot timers to hide the "1" stack number after the skill's timer readed 0
Existing/Other features:
-Setting to hide your crown store points in the main menu
-Setting to hide the crown store button
-Setting to hide the crowns left
-Setting to hide the ESO plus member info in the main menu
-Setting to re-open the map again if you had the map opened while you are mounting
-Setting to show checkboxes at the map filter to enable all/disable all map filters
-Setting to "bounce the player icon" on the map upon opening it (works with Votans Minimap as well)
-Setting to hide the map's quest/zone helper (at the left)
-Setting to show the real champion points (> 561 currently) in your group list, guild rosters and friends list
-Setting to block training of the mount (speed, stamina or carry). If two of the 3 are maxed out the settings are disabled automatically.
-Setting to show an "AddOn" button in the main menu to directly open the addon settings panel
-Setting to show an "switch between light/medium armor" button in the clothing create crafting tab.
Click to switch between light/medium selected item type (e.g. light head->medium head) or SHIFT+click to slect the start of light/medium armor (the chest)
-Setting to remove the "new item" icon and animation in the inventories
-Setting to blacklist some chat messages according to keywords that you are able to specify (e.g. specify the word "wtt" and you'll never see the chat messages containing "wtt" anymore.
You're able to specify words, whole sentences or texts that should be searched for.
You're also able to specify if the messages should be filtered in whispers, groups and/or guilds too.
And you are able to actvate a setting to show who has posted a blocked text, containing a timestamp and the whole message + your specified keyword that was found in the message to analyze messages and build better keywords.
-Setting to show a warning message on screen if you are marked as offline and try to whisper to someone (no incoming whispers are available if you are offline!)
-Setting to mark skill lines as "not relevant"/"relevant again"
You are able to mark a skill line as "not relevant"/"relevant again". The entry will be grayed out and gets the status icon set to a red X if it's marked as not relevant. Right click the skill line to show the context menu.
-Setting to silence the "You are enlightened" sound
-Setting to hide the crown store advertisements upon login. Manually calling the advertisements from the mainmenu will work.
-Setting to make the battleground HUD movable and remember it's positon on the UI
-Setting to hide the chat's new notification animation
-Setting to mute the new notification sound
-Setting to mute several selectable sounds from a list (left = available sounds, right = muted/disabled ones)
-Setting to mute the game sound after mounting for x (choosable) milliseconds to suppress the loud mount sounds, like flames or crys
-Setting to auto-decline a ready check (will not be declined if in Cyrodiil/ImperialCity/Dungeons/Raids). This will stop the goofy ready checks that some farming group players start to annoy the others.
Also provides a keybind to toggle this setting.
-Settings to change the tooltips width and/or scale the text in the tooltips
Show AddOns
Map: Player Ping-Pong effect
Settings: Compass quest givers
Sound: Mute/Restore audio SFX
Toggle auto-decline on/off (group electins)
Switch the active bank tab (deposit/withdraw)
Chat /slash commands:
Group leave
Reload the User Interface (ReloadUI)