There is a bug that was discovered on the PTS, it was reported but it's made it onto live.
There is some kind of issue mostly with ranged abilities. I have this problem on a Dragonknight within the Rockgrove trial.
All of my ranged abilities have a much shorter distance than they are suppose to, things such as Inner Rage and Unrelenting Grip cannot be cast at a normal range.
I don't know if other classes have a similar problem or if its unique to the DK but my Unrelenting Grip now is no where near the range it was last patch and my Inner Range often won't work unless I am stood 5 metres from the target.
It's not only range abilities that are effected. When trying to use Pierce Armor while stood next to a boss in Rockgrove I get the message telling me the enemy is out of range when I am stood right next to the boss.
Damage Dealers also have complained that some of their ranged abilities are not working within Rockgrove so potentially its just a general all round issue but combined with the Block Cost Bug it's making things extremely difficult.