Did some quick napkin math on my magplar healer to determine which CP slottables to grab. This parse was on my "healing" build that is more about dealing damage, so it should translate fairly well to real DPS builds as well. This was done on a single trial dummy. I won't post every figure I came up with, since it's going to vary by gear and skills, but it was a fairly typical magplar build around sweeps because I will sweep and jab til I die. Sue me.
Factoring in parse damage by skill and damage type of each skill, each CP star resulted in an overall theoretical boost to DPS of the following:
Fighting Finesse (75% crit): 5.17%
Master-at-Arms: 4.80%
Fighting Finesse (65% crit): 4.68%
Deadly Aim: 4.27%
Fighting Finesse (55% crit): 4.14%
Biting Aura: 3.87%
Fighting Finesse (45% crit): 3.54%
Thaumaturge: 2.94%
Fighting Finesse (35% crit): 2.89%
Weapons Expert: 2.39%
Untamed Aggression: 2.25% base, 2.56% with major and minor sorcery
Arcane Supremacy: 1.95% base, 1.73% with major and minor sorcery
Untamed and Arcane also impact your healing proportionately, but it's hard to quantify the usefulness because damage =/= healing. I can't account for every build out there, but I think this is roughly accurate for most magplars.
Slot Master-At-Arms, Fighting Finesse, Deadly Aim, and Biting Aura on most DPS builds. Ditch Thaumaturge.
If you're a healer and want to hybridize healing and damage potential, Finesse is better than Untamed Aggression and Arcane Supremacy, even with the doo-dooest of crit chances. The latter two only come into play if you want to raise both potentials and keep slots for utilities like Enlivening Overflow and From the Brink, which are both pretty cool new stars.
EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job