New Patch, Same Crashes

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
The issues related to logging in to the megaservers have been resolved at this time. If you continue to experience difficulties at login, please restart your client. Thank you for your patience!
I guess I'm not surprised that the issues with Macs would not be fixed with this latest patch. This is the exact reason I have not purchased the upgrade and I will not until the problem is fixed.

Process: eso [5449]
Path: /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/
Identifier: com.zenimaxonline.eso
Version: 1.0.0 (1.0.0)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ZeniMax Online Studios Launcher [5446]
Responsible: eso [5449]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2021-06-01 14:26:48.325 -0400
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.14.6 (18G9028)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: EC4C0476-6629-BE74-E32F-882BCCFE361E

Sleep/Wake UUID: 82C87435-E448-4ABC-80CB-01FCE2733FCF

Time Awake Since Boot: 100000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 22000 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 18 Dispatch queue: MoltenVKQueue-0-0-1.0-Dispatch

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000018

Termination Signal: Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process: exc handler [5449]

VM Regions Near 0x18:
__TEXT 00000001093c6000-000000010e1f5000 [ 78.2M] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/

Application Specific Information:
objc_msgSend() selector name: textureType

  • Booldi
    It blows my mind that the game is unplayable on Mac for 4 months now, and not only they are not fixing it, they dont interract with this forum, which suggests it will never be fixed. Shame, it was a good game.
  • aldriq
    Oh no! I didn't get any crashes yesterday and I was really hoping it would have been fixed after all :/
  • doesurmindglow
    Yeah I will say the frequency appears to be less, but I to am holding off on the purchase. I can't justify spending on something that doesn't work on my computer, I guess.

    It does appear from my experience today that they are working on it, and some progress is being made. I guess I'll go ahead and open up a new ticket.
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • AngryLorekeeper
    I have no hope that they will fix the problems, and there seems to be no response from ZOS other than "open a ticket". I I do agree that the frequency seems to be less, I was able to play last night for a while and only got kicked twice. But I still refuse to spend money on the new DLC until the problem is resolved.
  • PayneBDB
    Soul Shriven
    I've been crashing left and right for months. Especially when que pops for dungeons, or going into Imperial City. Cmon eso get this fixed, I spend a lot of money to have to worry about crap like this.
  • doesurmindglow
    Yeah, with the frequency reducing I'm starting to notice a pattern of particularly buggy spots where the issue lingers:
    • IC seems to be particularly bad for some reason
    • Group instances, like dungeons or battlegrounds, seem to also be problem zones
    • If a zone is sufficiently busy, or you are trying to travel to a particularly crowded part of it (ie. Grahtwood or one of the dolmens in Alik'r), this seems to be an issue also

    Are there others you all have noticed that seem worse than your regular instances? I might include the list in my ticket, for whatever good that might do.
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • AngryLorekeeper
    Yes, I agree there are certain zones that are much worse than others. I've had issues with harrowstorms in The Reach and Western Skyrim for a while now, and I've given up dungeons because I got tired of the disconnections and lag in them.
  • aldriq
    I've been playing roughly 2 hours every day since the update dropped on Tuesday and I only got my first crash last night, which is a little encouraging as this is a noticeably lower frequency for me than Flames of Ambition (where I used to get one crash a day even after 1 hour of playing).

    Big test will come tonight when I group with guildies – this and being Saturday evening used to always be a multiple-crash-session guarantee (for example, last Saturday I couldn't follow my group into some Greenshade delves without crashing). I'll report back tomorrow.
  • Rasoma
    Now do not take this the wrong way but.....

    The developers have already stated that they are not going to provide support for the Apple silicon architecture so this means that the Intel client is gasping out its last breaths as it enters what can only really be described as "maintenance mode".

    Yes the random crashes are a pain but that have not been happening all that often for me recently. However from as impartial point of view as I can make it hardly makes any economic sense for them to devote a lot of resources trying to discover and fix the root cause of this issue for a product that will not be around for long as there will come a time. Why invest money in something that people are probably just not going to buy as who would purchase the game on a Mac platform now knowing it is not going to get native MacOS support for the new silicon?

    Sadly I think that there will simply come a time for those of us who can't afford (or simply don't want) to upgrade to the new machines that we will have to uninstall MacOS ESO and reboot into a Bootcamp system in order to continue our adventures.
    @Rasoma - member since January 8th 2014
  • AngryLorekeeper
    I totally get where you are coming from, and clearly this is the attitude that ZOS is currently taking considering not one support person has commented on this thread.

    I'm not as invested in this game as other folks are and most likely once the day comes when it is time to invest in new hardware just to continue playing I will most likely bow out. Because it will come down to a financial decision for me to make as well, and this is just a game so I can and will move on. My only really gripe is the fact that they continue to market the game with Mac specs, and if they are going to continue to market the game this way they should at least continue to support it.
  • doesurmindglow
    I mean, yes, there are good arguments to be made that ZOS is no longer supporting the Mac platform, and that those of us using it should plan to transition to PC or bootcamp which allow the game to be run on a supported platform.

    The problem is this isn't how the game is advertised and marketed. It is still marketed as being supported on Mac systems that meet a set of minimum requirements. As long as this is the case, I think it's reasonable to raise this issue and expect a developer response. If that response was literally to remove Mac from the list of supported platforms I'd even be fine with that; but until that happens I'm probably going to continue under the assumption that the platform is supported and submit reports about the issues it's having with the expectation of their resolution.
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • BlueRaven
    While Apple is transitioning to a new chip, they are STILL selling Intel based macs. Yes there is a transition happening, but Intel chips will be supported by Apple for a while still.
  • Jharym
    Hello folks.
    On login/logout, changing characters and some times, wayshrine use, I've had crashes.
    I've had a look on a few threads and found a partial fix to this.
    If you change from fullscreen and use windowed fullscreen, only when you need to "change the characters environment".
    (Something about, less graphic memory use, or some such!)
    It seems to stop the crashes, for me anyway, so far. Played for about two hours, no crashes.
    I've done half a dozen logins and outs (different characters) , about the same wayshrine moves and some moves in and out of buildings and thieves guilds.
    Good luck.

  • aldriq
    After another week of play I can confirm that I'm getting no crashes whatsoever on weekdays, but I still do on weekends (I got 3 last weekend, 2 yesterday and 2 this morning). The bug is somehow linked to server load (and undeniably the weekends see more players logging in).

    Still, it's an improvement on U29 in terms of frequency, where I was getting a crash per day on average, 3 per day on weekends.
  • Thepeug
    Exact same issues. I've been basically unable to play at all since purchasing the new DLC (unwisely). What a complete scam.
    Leeching Plate ftw
  • sean.plackerb14_ESO
    I see some comments about ZOS dropping Mac client support because of Apple's transition to their own silicon.

    I just wanted to point out that this is a choice ZOS is making and not something that they are being forced to do for technical reasons.

    As most Mac users know ZOS changed the Mac renderer from using OpenGL to using Vulkan via a wrapper called MoltenVK that translates Vulkan API calls to Metal API calls.

    MoltenVK was updated December 2020 to version 1.1.1. Among adding full support for Vulkan 1.1 (instead of just 1.0), it adds full support for using MoltenVK on Apple Silicon.

    I'm not a Mac user myself. Just don't care for MacOS, iOS, or the products, don't hate them though, and I think the more supported platforms and ways for people to play ESO the better.

    So just wanted to point out that ZOS is choosing to drop Mac support, they are not being forced to for technical reasons.
    @sean8102 - Carlore - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Inoki
    Booldi wrote: »
    It blows my mind that the game is unplayable on Mac for 4 months now, and not only they are not fixing it, they dont interract with this forum, which suggests it will never be fixed. Shame, it was a good game.
    100% agree. I will not renew my sub. I’m done here. They pee on us. Probably their intent is to force people to buy Windoze now that they’ve been acquired by Microfrost.

    To think of it, they’ve been acquired for mountains of cash, yet they can’t invest into development of the second most used computer OS, in some countries the dominant one.

    Edited by Inoki on August 26, 2021 8:53PM
    ☁️ Cloud gamer via NVIDIA GeForce NOW
    Used to game on Mac until we got the 🖕🏻
  • sean.plackerb14_ESO
    Inoki wrote: »
    100% agree. I will not renew my sub. I’m done here. They pee on us. Probably their intent is to force people to buy Windoze now that they’ve been acquired by Microfrost.

    To think of it, they’ve been acquired for mountains of cash, yet they can’t invest into development of the second most used computer OS, in some countries the dominant one.


    Yes MacOS is basically one of only two major consumer operating systems for PC's and Laptops in terms of popularity (I'm talking just consumer not on servers etc).

    But you gotta ask. How big is the "MacOS Gaming" market? As of the latest steam hardware survey MacOS makes up 2.49 percent of the hardware survey. MacOS is very popular in markets like pro video editing, desktop publishing etc. But I really doubt the MacOS gaming market is very big at all.

    Now that dose not give ZOS any excuse to basically ignore the Mac client the way they have for a very long time now.

    They need to either seriously improve the state of the MacOS client, or take that Mac logo at the bottom of the site and at the end of every official video/trailer off and just announce support for MacOS is ending. They want to have their cake and eat it too.
    @sean8102 - Carlore - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Inoki

    Yes MacOS is basically one of only two major consumer operating systems for PC's and Laptops in terms of popularity (I'm talking just consumer not on servers etc).

    But you gotta ask. How big is the "MacOS Gaming" market? As of the latest steam hardware survey MacOS makes up 2.49 percent of the hardware survey. MacOS is very popular in markets like pro video editing, desktop publishing etc. But I really doubt the MacOS gaming market is very big at all.

    Now that dose not give ZOS any excuse to basically ignore the Mac client the way they have for a very long time now.

    They need to either seriously improve the state of the MacOS client, or take that Mac logo at the bottom of the site and at the end of every official video/trailer off and just announce support for MacOS is ending. They want to have their cake and eat it too.

    With them advertising the game as Mac-ready they are intentionally misleading customers, which could be used to file a case-action lawsuit against them. Misleading customers and selling them a defunct product is considered fraud, and illegal. They're basically scamming in the wide open.
    ☁️ Cloud gamer via NVIDIA GeForce NOW
    Used to game on Mac until we got the 🖕🏻
  • Tukulti
    Soul Shriven

    Also I had several crash a days on iMac

    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.15.7 (19H1323)
    Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: EXC_I386_GPFLT
    Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

    I try different video settings of the game, and using the setting of Graphic Quality to High, Maximun Particle Systems to 2048 and Particle Suppression Distance to 100 and View Distance to 100 the game do not crash but lower FPS ;-)

    I notice that lowering Maximun Particle Systems, Particle Suppression Distance and View Distance increase the chance to crash so I put them at max, I will try lower settings to increase performance with stability.

    Did anyone try video settings ?

  • doesurmindglow
    I think lower graphics settings probably do reduce the frequency of the crashing; it isn't really a solution, though. Prior to the rendering optimizations in U28 my machine ran the game fine at Medium graphics and well at Low graphics.

    Now it crashes every third or fourth load screen at Minimum graphics.

    This is a client stability issue pure and simple, not a problem of our individual configurations, system specs, or (dare I say it), the add-ons we're using. It needs to be fixed by devs, not us.
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
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