Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
How does this work exactly? Do they judge you all the time or once a day? I got a "like" from Bastian the first time I scryed and the first book I read. And I got a dislike when I stole something..is it only once a day he will like/dislike or do I have to keep my grabby fingers to myself all the time when he's with me?
HumbleThaumaturge wrote: »
There is a whole discussion on this (with likes and dislikes for both companions) on the PTS forum.
The problem is, we don't know what changed between then and now. Seems during PTS changes were occurring behind the scenes, and seems rather inconsistent. For me, I read books in several bookshelves yesterday, and never got a single comment or 'like' from them... yet others are reporting they received rapport increases from reading books.
I see a "like" pop up from a book sometimes but not all the time..People have said harvesting runes gives them likes though I have never seen this..Stealing seems to always get a dislike when going it.
At least opening chests doesn't count as 'stealing' even though we are taking items from a chest that isn't ours using a lockpick. Bastian made the comment, something like, "You seem to have a knack for finding those."
Unless they are thieves throves..he doesn't like those
Lady_Galadhiel wrote: »Bastian also likes rune stone picking I heard.
You would think that Bastian, as a mage, would give approval for Mages Guild lorebooks found across Tamriel... now that is something the devs should add. Have Mirri give approval for dolemen completion or something.
PurpleScroll wrote: »I have found the following positive rapport with Mirri thus far:
- Entering a daedric delve or public dungeon: +10
- Completing a fighter's guild daily: +125
- Reading any book on a bookshelf: +1
- Using a Psijic portal: +5
- Crafting an alcoholic drink: +1
- Excavating an antiquity: +6
The fighter's guild daily is a -massive- amount of rapport, so make sure to do this each day.
Oof best leave him at home when I do Thieves guild then..it's hard to keep my grabby fingers to myself..Mirri isn't an option either as I'm into bug collecting
PurpleScroll wrote: »I have found the following positive rapport with Mirri thus far:
- Entering a daedric delve or public dungeon: +10
- Completing a fighter's guild daily: +125
- Reading any book on a bookshelf: +1
- Using a Psijic portal: +5
- Crafting an alcoholic drink: +1
- Excavating an antiquity: +6
The fighter's guild daily is a -massive- amount of rapport, so make sure to do this each day.
PurpleScroll wrote: »- Entering a daedric delve or public dungeon: +10
- Completing a fighter's guild daily: +125
- Reading any book on a bookshelf: +1
- Using a Psijic portal: +5
- Crafting an alcoholic drink: +1
- Excavating an antiquity: +6
ectoplasmicninja wrote: »
How can you tell how much rapport these actions give? I would really love some numbers or even just some dots on their rapport bars so I can see whether I'm actually getting any movement, the colour gradient is really unhelpful and after a full day of reading books and visiting Mages Guilds and Eyevea and Artaeum (and seeing approval gains pop up) Bastian doesn't seem like he's shifted his opinion of me at all.
PurpleScroll wrote: »I have found the following positive rapport with Mirri thus far:
- Entering a daedric delve or public dungeon: +10
- Completing a fighter's guild daily: +125
- Reading any book on a bookshelf: +1
- Using a Psijic portal: +5
- Crafting an alcoholic drink: +1
- Excavating an antiquity: +6
The fighter's guild daily is a -massive- amount of rapport, so make sure to do this each day.
I wonder what the reason is for this! I can understand Bastians aversion to stealing..but bugs?
PurpleScroll wrote: »
I'm using the addon 'LootDrop Reborn' which reports the numbers for positive and negative rapport.