Maintenance for the week of December 16:
• [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for patch maintenance – December 17, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for patch maintenance – December 17, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 17:00 UTC (12:00PM EST)

Suddenly, I no longer have access to Greymoor and all that comes with it.

  • Mythreindeer
    Dude, I can’t scry either!!! I paid real world money for the collector’s edition Greymoor chapter the moment you could preorder it last year.

    So, now antiquities is locked out for me on all maps and as a trading guild GM, I cannot travel to Solitude to place trader bids there potentially.

    We have reached game-breaking critical mass, ZOS. I have tried hard to be patient for a long time, but I am pretty livid right now.

    And HOW does this happen when there was no update or patch today to screw things up even more?? Everything was fine this morning. I log in after lunch and get reminded why I am playing Red Dead Online more and more these days (not without its own bugs, but the state of ESO on PS4 has gotten so tragically bad the past 2 months...)

    I'm not affected - PC NA

    That's one of the biggest issues we face on console, we have to suffer months with big, game altering bugs and are just expected to accept it. We pay the same amount for crowns, the game, and DLC, should we not be offered the same level of service?

    No, you shouldn't have to accept it

    [Edit to remove bait]
    Edited by [Deleted User] on May 30, 2021 9:35PM
  • SerraKBella
    Dude, I can’t scry either!!! I paid real world money for the collector’s edition Greymoor chapter the moment you could preorder it last year.

    So, now antiquities is locked out for me on all maps and as a trading guild GM, I cannot travel to Solitude to place trader bids there potentially.

    We have reached game-breaking critical mass, ZOS. I have tried hard to be patient for a long time, but I am pretty livid right now.

    And HOW does this happen when there was no update or patch today to screw things up even more?? Everything was fine this morning. I log in after lunch and get reminded why I am playing Red Dead Online more and more these days (not without its own bugs, but the state of ESO on PS4 has gotten so tragically bad the past 2 months...)

    I'm not affected - PC NA

    That's one of the biggest issues we face on console, we have to suffer months with big, game altering bugs and are just expected to accept it. We pay the same amount for crowns, the game, and DLC, should we not be offered the same level of service?

    I don't know if PC players know or care that we (console) are still dealing with many bugs that have been fixed for them. Our Guild rosters are still showing players last logged in over 626 months ago, not to mention all the other UI bugs that fingers crossed will be fixed on June 8th for us. If I recall Greenshade on PC a few weeks back had a problem and they immediately shut down the same afternoon and fixed it. We are not even getting a red banner at the top of the forum page acknowledging this issue. I think many of us are just getting a little tired of the "Tale of Two Games" - PC's ESO and Console ESO.
    Edited by [Deleted User] on May 30, 2021 9:28PM
  • TequilaFire
    Dude, I can’t scry either!!! I paid real world money for the collector’s edition Greymoor chapter the moment you could preorder it last year.

    So, now antiquities is locked out for me on all maps and as a trading guild GM, I cannot travel to Solitude to place trader bids there potentially.

    We have reached game-breaking critical mass, ZOS. I have tried hard to be patient for a long time, but I am pretty livid right now.

    And HOW does this happen when there was no update or patch today to screw things up even more?? Everything was fine this morning. I log in after lunch and get reminded why I am playing Red Dead Online more and more these days (not without its own bugs, but the state of ESO on PS4 has gotten so tragically bad the past 2 months...)

    I'm not affected - PC NA

    That's one of the biggest issues we face on console, we have to suffer months with big, game altering bugs and are just expected to accept it. We pay the same amount for crowns, the game, and DLC, should we not be offered the same level of service?

    No, you shouldn't have to accept it

    Server side authentication of items purchased has nothing to do with client platform.
    Edited by [Deleted User] on May 30, 2021 9:35PM
  • Khrogo
    Xbox NA here. I too have lost Greymoor access. It seemed to happen shortly after purchasing a Blackwood preorder through the Xbox Store. Not sure if this is merely coincidental.
  • Lydawobbles
    Khrogo wrote: »
    Xbox NA here. I too have lost Greymoor access. It seemed to happen shortly after purchasing a Blackwood preorder through the Xbox Store. Not sure if this is merely coincidental.
    Coincidental. I prepurchaed blackwood months ago and just lost greymoor today
  • phileunderx2
    I have not purchased Blackwood and my game is affected.
  • Bricxjo
    Man I am tired of this, so very tired. Based on past and ongoing experience, I know what this is going to be like. I could list off the glitches I have experienced and the ones that are ongoing, but I am just going to add the other thing that is a new bug with this one. I don't have any of my pre-order stuff from Blackwood. My mount disappeared from the collections section.

    So very tired of this.
  • DragonRacer
    My Elsweyr pre-order mount is gone, as well as all Greymoor mounts for preorder and Collector’s Edition. I can’t even keep track of what’s missing from my collections now.

    This is real world money from long-time supporters...

    And some people are in zone chats saying toons are deleted. Possibly any who logged out in Western Skyrim.

    How. How does this happen?
    Edited by DragonRacer on May 30, 2021 9:02PM
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Lluanda
    Well at least I'm not alone I suppose. No more access to Greymoor here either.
  • svendf
    After being pointed to this post I logged into ESO. I picked a character, who have the Proud spire manor in Solitude as resident.

    I was able to load in, but not able to leave the house, which would gain me acces på Solitude. I got a screen to upgrade to greymoor. No access to Scrying.

    I did preorder the new chapter via Playstaion Store no sign of a preorder in game. I have a mail confirmation from PS Store.

    Have not checked if anything is missing from preorder.

    Im on PS4 EU.
    Edited by svendf on May 30, 2021 8:28PM
  • Skall66
    Maybe they'll fix it with the next maintenance, maybe not
    Mudcrab magnet
    Xbox EU
  • rayne_405
    Skall66 wrote: »
    Maybe they'll fix it with the next maintenance, maybe not

    I would hope they don't wait that long, talk about bad for business if they do. Console servers have maintenance coming up anyway so why not just bump that up and give the people what they paid for.
  • UntilValhalla13
    It's almost laughable how bad it is right now. I would be laughing if it wasn't costing me money for a product that I pay for. Please use the money that you're receiving and either hire more people or better coders to fix this.
  • wheresbes
    Same here, I'm on XBOX EU :'(

    I've lost access to Greymoor - I saw the wayshrines greyed out so I've checked the collection section and it seems I don't own it anymore. On top of that, it seems I also didn't preorder Blackwood (which instead I did). I haven't checked other chapters nor collectibles.
  • spotzhopz
    They really upped the bar with this one. People losing access to chapters they paid for, ive even got friends who have lost access to whole characters either becayse theyre a necro or warden or because they happened to be in skyrim.
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    Also missing the original Senche Raht mount that was a pre order bonus for Elsweyr. Yet I still have access to that zone.
  • notachik
    PS4 NA

    My account preordered awhile ago no access greymoor or showing I preordered

    Wife account same..

    If we go to PS Store shows as purchased (greymoor upgrade) and prepurchased (Blackwood)..
    Have access to scrying lodge house from event but lost all other collectibles and mounts from both. Also can still access markarth and any other eso+ locations.
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    In addition to Blackwood and Greymoor, even though I can still get to Elsweyr, I am missing all of my bonuses from that chapter's release and pre-order.

    Senche-raht mount.
    Ashen Scar Jerboa pet.
    The Khajiiti Cultural emote pack.
    Outfit Style Conversions: Dragonbone.
    Archaic Lore Tablets memento.
    Rahd-m'Athra mount.
    Blue Dragon Imp pet.
    Noble Clan-Chief costume.
    Edited by vivisectvib16_ESO on May 30, 2021 8:48PM
  • iPomasHD
    Same problem
    Xbox EU
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey everyone, we’ve identified what’s causing this issue and are working on getting it fixed now. Thanks!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • kmcaj
    While you're at it fix selling and craft bag.
  • Pink_E_808
    PS4/5 NA. Just... Wow. It sucks as it is seeing all my plus dlc's greyed out for the first time in three years since I cancelled auto renew. I saw this thread just before I logged in to get my daily rewards and hireling mails, so I checked and YUP! I'm also locked out of content that I paid for (N. Elsweyr and Greymoor) and missing bonus items like the mounts, including the preorder mount from Blackwood.

    *Sigh* I just want to play the damn game again without having to start all over on PC. As a very, very last resort, I'm kinda sorta willing to make the switch, but after over 7k hours and a few thousand dollars collectively spent over the last five years on console, that is not an easy decision for me to make.

    Welp. Back to GTA and Red Dead for now, I guess.

    Edit to add a question that I haven't seen anyone else ask yet that just occurred to me: since my scrying abilities are currently locked, does this mean I'm going to lose all the leads I have been sitting on??? Or will they all come back when this gets fixed? They were all duplicates, so it's not a terrible loss for me, but if anyone else has first time leads and they disappear..., Well, that would be awful.
    Edited by Pink_E_808 on May 30, 2021 9:03PM
  • Rittings
    Dude, I can’t scry either!!! I paid real world money for the collector’s edition Greymoor chapter the moment you could preorder it last year.

    So, now antiquities is locked out for me on all maps and as a trading guild GM, I cannot travel to Solitude to place trader bids there potentially.

    We have reached game-breaking critical mass, ZOS. I have tried hard to be patient for a long time, but I am pretty livid right now.

    And HOW does this happen when there was no update or patch today to screw things up even more?? Everything was fine this morning. I log in after lunch and get reminded why I am playing Red Dead Online more and more these days (not without its own bugs, but the state of ESO on PS4 has gotten so tragically bad the past 2 months...)

    Calm down...this is a no hissy fit zone.

    Besides, I'm not affected - PC NA

    That's one of the biggest issues we face on console, we have to suffer months with big, game altering bugs and are just expected to accept it. We pay the same amount for crowns, the game, and DLC, should we not be offered the same level of service?

    No, you shouldn't have to accept it, but honestly I don't get why peeps want to play these type of games on console, clearly developed for PC which is a better platform for them.

    Why is this dude allowed to just intentionally flame and talk down to console players repeatedly like this? @ZOS_GinaBruno can we get some moderation in here please.
  • sevomd69
    Servers going down... 3...2...1...
  • UntilValhalla13
    I'm just not going to risk logging in. People are saying that their characters are being deleted after logging out in dlc zones.
  • Rittings
    I'm just not going to risk logging in. People are saying that their characters are being deleted after logging out in dlc zones.

    Read online one guy lost his necro toon because Elsweyr was removed along with all the perks of it.
  • Prof_Bawbag
    Dude, I can’t scry either!!! I paid real world money for the collector’s edition Greymoor chapter the moment you could preorder it last year.

    So, now antiquities is locked out for me on all maps and as a trading guild GM, I cannot travel to Solitude to place trader bids there potentially.

    We have reached game-breaking critical mass, ZOS. I have tried hard to be patient for a long time, but I am pretty livid right now.

    And HOW does this happen when there was no update or patch today to screw things up even more?? Everything was fine this morning. I log in after lunch and get reminded why I am playing Red Dead Online more and more these days (not without its own bugs, but the state of ESO on PS4 has gotten so tragically bad the past 2 months...)

    Calm down...this is a no hissy fit zone.

    Besides, I'm not affected - PC NA

    That's one of the biggest issues we face on console, we have to suffer months with big, game altering bugs and are just expected to accept it. We pay the same amount for crowns, the game, and DLC, should we not be offered the same level of service?

    No, you shouldn't have to accept it, but honestly I don't get why peeps want to play these type of games on console, clearly developed for PC which is a better platform for them.

    Server side authentication of items purchased has nothing to do with client platform.

    That's not what I was referring to.

    Then why even respond in the first place? Lmao. After all, what you're not referring to is what everyone else is responding about. There's always one person in these types of threads that have to shoehorn their love for their irrelevant piece of electrical equipment. You're that guy on this occasion.
  • Paazhahdrimaak
    Fix the game. We have been very patient, but this is going to tip some perspectives very quick. Most of us are paying monthly for this. We shouldn't have to wait for fixes like this.
  • BlueRaven
    Dude, I can’t scry either!!! I paid real world money for the collector’s edition Greymoor chapter the moment you could preorder it last year.

    So, now antiquities is locked out for me on all maps and as a trading guild GM, I cannot travel to Solitude to place trader bids there potentially.

    We have reached game-breaking critical mass, ZOS. I have tried hard to be patient for a long time, but I am pretty livid right now.

    And HOW does this happen when there was no update or patch today to screw things up even more?? Everything was fine this morning. I log in after lunch and get reminded why I am playing Red Dead Online more and more these days (not without its own bugs, but the state of ESO on PS4 has gotten so tragically bad the past 2 months...)

    Calm down...this is a no hissy fit zone.

    Besides, I'm not affected - PC NA

    That's one of the biggest issues we face on console, we have to suffer months with big, game altering bugs and are just expected to accept it. We pay the same amount for crowns, the game, and DLC, should we not be offered the same level of service?

    At least your stuff gets fixed eventually.

    -Signed every Mac user.
  • Darkandsinful
    sad part is VKA will most likely be the weekly
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