Many things combined caused the fact that sorcs stopped to use mines so extensively as they used to. Even right now this ability is not even close to being as popular as it was. As for why it's being seen now more often I would say it's also because few reasons combined.
I just mistform through them laughing the whole time. 75% mitigation and immune to their immobilization effect. Let's you trigger them all without worry.
itscompton wrote: »My mines hit for around 4-7k each depending who they hit. I like to use them to stack in doorways or on stairs so when someone spamming momentum or shuffle runs through they're immune to the root and they wind up running through all five and killing themselves. It also gives wrecking blow spammers fits if you drop them anywhere and then kite around them.
Hey folks,
I recently wrote up a ticket in game about daedric minefields and the fact that you can stack them into one.
I've seen a couple a magicka sorcerers doing this in no-cp pvp (pc eu) and it's kind of crazy. The amount of damage you take when stepping on one is close to what a nightblade ganker can do and yes we are talking about one skill
I have screens of it and one of the players I also came across doing it (cast it in a corner for it to work -> I heard him try about 3 or 4 times) so it's known and wished for.
Is this normal or will it be fixed at some point?
It's so circumstantial that it's okay if it's strong. Sersly, what are the chances of walking over the mine? Very slim, which is prob why you can't even know how often they're actually used. Gotta reward this hard-to-pull-off trick.
It's so circumstantial that it's okay if it's strong. Sersly, what are the chances of walking over the mine? Very slim, which is prob why you can't even know how often they're actually used. Gotta reward this hard-to-pull-off trick.
Idk if it's hard to pull off, once you know how to do it -> it's onI did hear one other sorc struggle to get his stack right...'omg man you too?!'
Joy_Division wrote: »Is there are reason why you walking through daedric mines in the first place?
Would be better if mines didn’t disappear on recast eithercreating actual minefields like that would be cool lol.
Joy_Division wrote: »Is there are reason why you walking through daedric mines in the first place?
itscompton wrote: »Would be better if mines didn’t disappear on recast eithercreating actual minefields like that would be cool lol.
It would be too OP if the same person could cast more than one set of mines at a time.
But your comment got me imagining a guild with 2-3 full groups getting everyone to run Sorc and drop mines on breaches and flags. It would be nearly impossible to get through. Even someone in Mist Form is going to die if they run over 15 mines every step they take.