Strange ESC key behavior


I have been getting this weird behavior with the ESC key. This only seems to be happening in ESO, and started happening after yesterday's patch. I have had this happen a while ago, but it stopped, and since reappeared.

If I am in any menu, then hit the ESC key, it closes the menu and re-opens it immediately. So I have to kind of spam the key to get the menu to close. Add to frustration that this is intermittent, as sometimes it does not happen at all.

Anyone else have this happen or am I just going crazy?
  • ZOS_Bill

    Resetting the keybindings may help get the ESC key to work correctly. To restore your keybindings to the default settings, follow the steps below:
    • Press [Esc] on your keyboard.
    • Click Controls in the menu that appears on the lefthand side of the screen.
    • Click Load Defaults or press R on your keyboard.

    If you have trouble completing this step, or if this did not fix your issue, please run a repair on your game files before attempting the game again.
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  • Duplomancer
    Repair seems to have done the trick. I keep forgetting that exists. Thanks!
  • ZOS_Bill
    We appreciate the update. Now that the key issue is resolved, we are going to close the thread.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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