I'll preface this by stating I'm an AU player, so prime time for AU translates into being early hours of the AM for US. I don't often get to play US primetime, aside from weekends and weekdays occasionally.
Recently I've been lucky (or unlucky?) enough to jump on GH NA during what is US prime time. GREAT pvp, loads of people and BIG scale battles! Exactly what I want from my ESO experience.
Only issue is, its basically UNPLAYABLE. I mean sure I'm in AU, so the ping is going to be subpar between 230-300ms (HUGE reduction from the 380-450ms it use to be going back a year ish ago), however, using the same ping in AU prime time, I have flawless game play. I use skills and its an instant fire, instant damage, etc. Real-time game play.
During US Primetime however, on the same level of ping, i'm hitting a skill and its firing 10 seconds later, then all at once... Targets arent taking damage then are taking it all at once in a burst.
Same with inc damage, im not UA then suddenly I get 20 hits at once and instantly dead... My FPS are still quite stable & I'm alright on that front.. I wish there was a way to turn off all visuals as I feel that also influences the lag people get.
Do US people REALLY play like this? With this lag? Surely not?
When I mentioned it in zone I got met with a few comments agreeing that that is their experience as well, and others saying "I use ver 4.4". So what's that? 4.4? Is there some better version of ESO out there I don't have?
Is there a way to make this delay/lag NOT so bad that it's unplayable?
Something in the settings?
I'm playing through the ZOS launcher, not steam if that makes a difference..