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Fighters guild quest prismatic core broken?

When I enter Abagarlas right after the entrance animation and turn corner by bookcases, my game crashes. This is the second time.
  • GreenHere
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When I enter Abagarlas right after the entrance animation and turn corner by bookcases, my game crashes. This is the second time.

    If console, did you try clearing cache or full system restart? Unsummoning pets & such? Unequipping any gear that may have persistent vfx attached (Ebon, Beckoning Steel, etc)? Perhaps check your de/buffs in the Character screen, and get rid of any you can (as a last resort). Just spitballing here, but often these sort of weird bugs have weird workarounds that you wouldn't think mean anything. Start from least to most inconvenient and try a "fix" yourself, if you don't want to wait on official support.

    If PC, the obvious: fully restart PC? Disable all addons? Lower/change resolution before entering area? Et cetera.

    Good luck! Let us know if you find a workaround, or if it just ends up being a fluke that didn't happen again, please!

    : )

  • crazepdx
    Went back in again and crashed same spot. I'm on pc. Weird part was reattempted but went the other way around opposite the bookcases and get to the hallway fine. Weird bug
  • crazepdx
    Just got to the part where you fight prince someone walked by the bookcase in that room and crashed again. This doesn't happen anywhere else around bookcases. So it's something in this instance regarding bookcases
  • crazepdx
    Last comment since I was able to finish the fg main quest line. But I was able to duplicate the same crash in the following two solo fighters guild main quest areas. Each time I clicked a bookcase or got close to one, my game froze or crashed. I was able to click on bookcases outside of those instances but not inside. Weird.
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