With structures this complicated, I don't think anyone does, really. Devs included. 7+ years of accumulated code are just difficult to handle. This pen/impen/resistance has never been properly explained by anyone, anyway.holden_caulfield wrote: »Sometimes I can't understand how this game works.
Empower increases Light/Heavy Attack damage by 40%
Undaunted Infiltrator/Unweaver sets can increase L/H damage by 1685 (per tick, I believe), AND they can stack (though I imagine very few would build this way).
Noble Duelist set adds 1811 (again, I believe it's per tick & can stack)
Dragonknights have the Molten Armaments skill which increases their Heavy Attack damage by 50%, and it's unique (thus stacks with everything else above). I'm not certain if this one applies per tick or not, though.
In short, there's a lot of legitimate ways to boost the channeled Heavy Attack damage from Resto & Zappy staves. I probably even forgot a couple.
EDIT, to add :: I meant to mention that all those things mentioned above are Buffs to the (opposing) player, not procs that you'd see on the receiving end. So the only way to identify them afaik would be to familiarize yourself with their in-game visuals and learn to spot them on players. Trouble is, they all share vfx with other procs, so all you can really do is narrow down what an opponent might have going on -- you won't know for certain at a glance.
OlumoGarbag wrote: »Also Off balance increases you damage taken from heavy attacks by 70%
And maelstrom staff by another 1200. If you add all those up + the multiplier you can easily get a 50k tooltip on your heavy attacks. Now if all of them crit you get 4k ticks or even more. But the build will only be focused on that.