I'd like to try something other than a crit build (PVE)

Hi, a crit-build is what is currently recommended for magblade, I'm not arguing with that, but I'd like to try something different for a change.

I feel quite constrained as now that is harder to get crit chance, I don't really have a choice about what to wear if I go that route. (On a side note, keeping the passives in mind, I don't have really a choice about skills either, so, ooof).

Some time ago I played around the dummy with a couple of different sets (including Malacath) and the results were worst (?) compared to the usual MS/Medusa. (Admittedly, only Medusa staves are gold). I'd love to experiment myself, but I don't have access to the PTS and mats are expensive.

Anyone had mild success with a non-crit build on a magblade?
  • Brrrofski
    I think you're always going to want to have some crit, so I would stray away from malacath.

    Using none crits sets and trying to get crit through class passives, mundus and traits might be sufficient though to pull decent damage.

    I don't have PTS either sorry so can't test anything.
  • SickleCider
    I've thought that veering toward elemental/magic statuses via the CPs that increase likelihood of applying them and that one that causes an explosion of oblivion damage could be fun. Could use proc gear that conditions on elemental/magic damage and statuses. May not be optimal but could be a fun spectacle. Pair it with Steed's Blessing in the green tree to feel zoomy on top of that.
    Edited by SickleCider on May 10, 2021 8:36AM
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Larcomar
    The key question is what content are you looking to do? If we're talking organised trials (or the trial dummy), then yeah, I suspect crit builds are going to trump all. There are just too many multipliers to crit damage flying round.

    If you're just doing vet dungeons though, in less organised groups, I'm not convinced crit necessarily trumps other stat sets, esp after the nerf. Wpm damage sets scale well for stam users, and War maiden might be worth a look for a mag blade.

    If you're talking normal content, I find aoe proc sets are often better, and frankly, who cares in normal. Stuff like grothdar + overhelming surge clears an rnd faster than a meta build. Everyone just ulti's the paper tiger that's the boss.

    And ofc if you're into pvp, here's all sorts of stuff that works - vicious death, caluurion etc etc Magblades prob have the biggest build variety of all classes. Well, it used to.

    Sadly though, yeah, if you're doing anything "serious" pve wise, the game seems designed to drive you towards a slightly stagnant meta of stacking crit and using non class abilities like wall of elements, barbed trap and ele weapon etc etc It's one of the reasons I tend to do my own thing.
  • DreadDaedroth
    Reducing the crit damage and chances have reduced the number of viable builds.
  • NoMoreChillies
    crit or go home for end game vet content. zero variety
    Insulting people on the internet is cowardly.
  • ApoAlaia
    Reducing the crit damage and chances have reduced the number of viable builds.

    And the impending changes to proc sets are going to do little to alleviate that IMO. Currently pondering if monster sets are even worth it anymore - as opposed to using 'mismatched' pieces for the the 1-piece bonus instead.
    Edited by ApoAlaia on May 10, 2021 9:22AM
  • wheresbes
    Thanks for the insights. I do a little bit of everything up to vet dungeons; in DLC ones I struggle enough as it is so I'm not sure I want to gimp myself. I hoped I could actually focus more on spell damage or use proc sets and get similar results but that doesn't seem the case.

    On a side note, in one of my experiments, I've coupled Malacath with Rattlecage but it didn't seem to work as I thought it would (shouldn't that be 20% + 25% more damage?)

    I agree that reducing crit brought in less variety than ever. It's sad, there are so many sets that look really fun! (visual effects and all). I may craft some when I'll have enough mats just for normal stuff/overland.
  • kypranb14_ESO
    wheresbes wrote: »
    Thanks for the insights. I do a little bit of everything up to vet dungeons; in DLC ones I struggle enough as it is so I'm not sure I want to gimp myself. I hoped I could actually focus more on spell damage or use proc sets and get similar results but that doesn't seem the case.

    On a side note, in one of my experiments, I've coupled Malacath with Rattlecage but it didn't seem to work as I thought it would (shouldn't that be 20% + 25% more damage?)

    I agree that reducing crit brought in less variety than ever. It's sad, there are so many sets that look really fun! (visual effects and all). I may craft some when I'll have enough mats just for normal stuff/overland.

    Major Sorcery from Rattlecage gives +20% bonus to spell damage, not to actual damage. Malacath gives a direct bonus to damage.
  • Septimus_Magna
    On my magsorc I use Medusa+Siroria if the fight doesnt require a lot of movement. I only cast 2 dots from the backbar I spend most of the time on the front bar where the Medusa 4+5 pieces are active. I dont know how viable this setup would be on a magblade because it has been a while since Ive played one.

    Slotting two sets without crit bonuses is just handing in dps, as magcro you can go support dps with sets like Elemental Catalyst which will lower your own dps but raise overall group dps. I guess that you can also do that on a magblade if you swap Swallow Soul for Crushing Shock/Force Pulse. An additional support dps set could be Master Architect to give 5 group members major slayer.
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  • zvavi
    There are some good non crit sets,
    bsw is great,
    siroria is great if fight is not mobile,
    war maiden is great if you are using mag damage spammable,
    master architect is nice + group support,
    false gods is great if you need sustain (esp perf false gods),
    Julianos is good enough of you don't have all of the above,
    Magus gift is a good replacement for false gods if you don't have it and need a sustain set.

    Any combination of the above, with crit mundus stone, and precise frontbar should get you fine numbers (5% behind a crit set at most, at least for the damage sets). Not as god as 1 crit set, but good numbers.
    Edited by zvavi on May 10, 2021 10:37AM
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    If you want a strong build you generally want to have enough penetration and then balance between spell damage, crit chance and crit damage. The main reason why pure crit sets are so powerful in organized raids is that crit chance is the only thing you can't really get from group buffs. When you have armour debuffs on the boss to get 100% penetration, get more than 1.5k spell damage from minor sorcery, courage and pa and get 35% crit damage from catalyst and horn, the main thing you are missing will be crit chance.

    However in less organized groups, where you get less buffs, crit isn't as important. My guess would be in the average random group siroria+zaan+nma with a sharpened weapon or lover mundus will often be better than a crit build.
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