I recently posted a thread about 172 Arx runs before I received an inferno Medusa Staff.
I have been playing ESO since 2013 on PC and closed beta and switched to PS5 about 4 months ago. So I essentially started over from scratch. When I came back to the game after taking about 2 years break, I was relieved about the new sticker system.
No need to keep gear stored in your bank anymore, heck it’s even cheaper to just recreate the gear than to transmute the pieces you have.
I continue to see posts about how hard it is to obtain gear. But nowadays I think ZOS has made some drastic improvements with farming.
I remember running VMA over 280+ times, yep you read that right, 280 times to get the SHARPENED inferno staff. (Back when double bar sharpened was BiS before sharpened got nerfed)
Now we only have to worry about getting a specific weapon, opposed to the weapon AND trait.
I still do think that 172 runs to get just the inferno Medusa staff was excessive. Imagine if transmuting didn’t exist. That means I got my FIRST inferno at 172 runs. Not even the correct trait.
The only thing left for ZOS to do is to create a sort of token system and add it to the sticker book for that specific dungeon. It could start at 0/50 or 0/100 runs. Once you reach 50/50 or 100/100 you can create a piece of gear from that dungeon with the addition of “X” transmutation crystals. Most likely upwards of 200 crystals or something along those lines.
This token system would probably be the last thing ZOS would need to do in order to improve the monotonous grind for gear that ESO consists of. But once again, this grind has drastically improved throughout the years. Which is why I think there is hope for a token system going forward.