The following is manly relevant for pvp. I want to point out a thought that with next update and the changes to malacath it will be like that a amlacath user will do less damage with critical hits then with normal hits. This is because of the base resistance that everybody has. Even with something like minor force, the base crit mitigation is 20-25% (20% base + 1, 2 or 3 impen just as example). The thing i want to point out is, that it will be then, the less crit value a malacath user has, the more damage he will do in the mean. What i mean is that for example a malacth user will strive to get the lowest crit value possible. That turns a core combat mechanic upside down and its hard for me to believe that ZOS wants or intends that for this special case.
Edited by silver1surfer69 on May 3, 2021 10:06PM PC/EU
Starstréam - NB, Loveknight - HybridDK (4*), Stahlstrahlenreiter - StamDen, Azgul Grahl Bashrugk - HybridSorc (5*), Tínúvíél - StamCro, Thógard - StamPlar