2.3 You may not harass, threaten, intentionally humiliate, “stream snipe”, “name and shame”, engage in acts of “griefing”, or cause distress to another user, guest, or ZeniMax staff member/teams using ZeniMax sites and Services.
Of course they protect them. It's in the Code of Conduct:2.3 You may not harass, threaten, intentionally humiliate, “stream snipe”, “name and shame”, engage in acts of “griefing”, or cause distress to another user, guest, or ZeniMax staff member/teams using ZeniMax sites and Services.
If you target a streamer in PvP you can be banned. So just let them kill you and then rez elsewhere.
Of course they protect them. It's in the Code of Conduct:2.3 You may not harass, threaten, intentionally humiliate, “stream snipe”, “name and shame”, engage in acts of “griefing”, or cause distress to another user, guest, or ZeniMax staff member/teams using ZeniMax sites and Services.
If you target a streamer in PvP you can be banned. So just let them kill you and then rez elsewhere.
But if the case quite the opposite which means if you are getting bully by a streamer constantly? I meant do streamers have wider lines when it comes to COC? But you already made your point there
I have no idea what incident you are referring to, but in general I'm pretty sure they enforce the TOS, no matter who you are. A number of relatively well-know streamers and youtubers actually got perma-banned in, e.g. Kodi and Nesquick.
That being said, there are some instances, where streamers definitely got preferential treatment. I remember them instantly lifting the ban on Sypher, after he contacted support.
I guess my point is, they surely aren't always fair, I don't think that would even be possible. But in general, I feel like streamers are treated like all the other players.
Of course they protect them. It's in the Code of Conduct:2.3 You may not harass, threaten, intentionally humiliate, “stream snipe”, “name and shame”, engage in acts of “griefing”, or cause distress to another user, guest, or ZeniMax staff member/teams using ZeniMax sites and Services.
If you target a streamer in PvP you can be banned. So just let them kill you and then rez elsewhere.
I like how your title says "support" streamers, then the poll wording changes to "protect" streamers.
It's almost as if you are trying to get around forum rules of discussing moderation and tos/coc conduct policies.
Of course they protect them. It's in the Code of Conduct:2.3 You may not harass, threaten, intentionally humiliate, “stream snipe”, “name and shame”, engage in acts of “griefing”, or cause distress to another user, guest, or ZeniMax staff member/teams using ZeniMax sites and Services.
If you target a streamer in PvP you can be banned. So just let them kill you and then rez elsewhere.
But if the case quite the opposite which means if you are getting bully by a streamer constantly? I meant do streamers have wider lines when it comes to COC? But you already made your point there
Sure, I get tea bagged, racially insulted, sexually harrassed and whatnot by streamers all the time. And TBH, that sort of stuff doesn't bother me. Thin skinned individuals will always have a hard time in PvP, it's just the nature of the game. The difference is that non-streamers aren't a protected class like streamers are.
I like how your title says "support" streamers, then the poll wording changes to "protect" streamers.
It's almost as if you are trying to get around forum rules of discussing moderation and tos/coc conduct policies.
Its just because there was another topic about this and removed as i mentioned :S So thats why i have to be much more careful while using my words. But i think people got the point so it should be okay. If you need further explanation tho i can only help trough private message.
I like how your title says "support" streamers, then the poll wording changes to "protect" streamers.
It's almost as if you are trying to get around forum rules of discussing moderation and tos/coc conduct policies.
Its just because there was another topic about this and removed as i mentioned :S So thats why i have to be much more careful while using my words. But i think people got the point so it should be okay. If you need further explanation tho i can only help trough private message.
The purpose of this thread is to shame/embarrass ZoS or the streamers that you clearly believe they protect from moderation stemming from objectionable conduct. You are not actually looking for a accurate answer since it is impossible for you to get an accurate answer on these forums one way or another.
This thread will be locked/deleted just like the other one, but if you got a warning before, you will probably get banned now.
colossalvoids wrote: »Depends on an actual case. Thing is that some people can get offence where there was none but there were cases when they took action if it was necessary.
I like how your title says "support" streamers, then the poll wording changes to "protect" streamers.
It's almost as if you are trying to get around forum rules of discussing moderation and tos/coc conduct policies.
Its just because there was another topic about this and removed as i mentioned :S So thats why i have to be much more careful while using my words. But i think people got the point so it should be okay. If you need further explanation tho i can only help trough private message.
The purpose of this thread is to shame/embarrass ZoS or the streamers that you clearly believe they protect from moderation stemming from objectionable conduct. You are not actually looking for a accurate answer since it is impossible for you to get an accurate answer on these forums one way or another.
This thread will be locked/deleted just like the other one, but if you got a warning before, you will probably get banned now.
1 - The purpose of this thread is to speak basically know to what people think about this. Thats why forums are here. We are not talking about someone specific or anything near to that.
2 - I personally do look for an accurate answer because i wonder what people thinks about this matter.
3 - No i havent got any warning because here we are just sharing opinion, no one shaming anyone here.
You are clearly sensitive about this, i dont know why and its not my concern. We are here to share general opinion about this matter here, not to talk personal issues
colossalvoids wrote: »Depends on an actual case. Thing is that some people can get offence where there was none but there were cases when they took action if it was necessary.
I have seen Zos comment on some things that they look at them on a case-by-case basis. SoI would suggest reporting the streamer if you see them violating the terms Zenimax set forth for all of us. I do not think the poll will really tell us anything since we can only assume what Zos may or may not be doing.
Master_Kas wrote: »Of course they protect them. It's in the Code of Conduct:2.3 You may not harass, threaten, intentionally humiliate, “stream snipe”, “name and shame”, engage in acts of “griefing”, or cause distress to another user, guest, or ZeniMax staff member/teams using ZeniMax sites and Services.
If you target a streamer in PvP you can be banned. So just let them kill you and then rez elsewhere.
Not quite right. I've killed some streamers sometimes (and got nuked by them) and nothing has happened. There's a big diffrence if you're looking at the persons livestream to stalk/gank them and if you're just playing without watching their stream.
''Stream sniping is when an online gamer exploits the livestream of a person they're playing against in an abusive, advantageous, or annoying way.''