ResidentContrarian wrote: »Disagree.
There are attacks that drop because of movement speed and other targeting issues, especially when targeting sorcs and NBs. Should they also be charged additional resources because the game is buggy?
Also, what you see or perceive another person doing on your end may not be what happens on their end or server side. The game is not 1:1 or functioning anywhere near real-time, which is why reactive-based gameplay in this game is extremely buggy and terrible to balance around.
Dodge is busted AND people have figured out how to abuse it. I have an example. My friend and I were at a resource defending against 2 people. I killed one, then got killed. The 2nd enemy, an NB, went to resurrect his teammate, and my teammate point blank fired at him or did an incap (can't remember exactly his attack). The enemy dodged while standing there resurrecting. He didn't dodge roll first then start res. He simply walked up to commence rezzing and DURING the resurrection just dodged automatically several attacks.
there are ppl using it and i hate it i have this set myself even with gold rings and everything but its not OP or anything
The game engine can't keep up with where everything is. That simple. What you see and what is really there may or may not match. That is primary cause of random "dodge" messages, and random hits that seem to come out of nowhere.
TheEndBringer wrote: »Not to distract from the topic but my new favorite thing is I'll be standing still with full health and drop dead instantly. Then I see a warden or dk walk off. Check my recap, I was getting lit up without seeing a single attack. I know desync happens but this is a new one for me.
I've seen it several times, but the clincher for me was this:
Small group of DC knocked down inner door of keep. I ran to the top of the stairs inside, saw a lone DC coming towards the base of the stairs. I targeted him with a blastbones when I saw him. He ran up the stairs and killed me just as the blastbones finished forming. It takes a blastbones 2.5 seconds to form before it attacks (and before you ask, yes, I was attacking myself, I wasn't waiting for the skeleton.) So he killed me within the 2.5 second interval... no biggie, but then my Improved Death Recap popped up. IDR recorded over 4.5 seconds of attacks on me, yet this happened within the 2.5 second animation on the blastbones.
This happened last month, all factions were at one bar, so no zerg induced lags, no procs. My interest in ESO PVP has gone down a lot.
Waffennacht wrote: »
This is why I run with such high health. The bigger your health pool the more of a chance to survive this exact thing. I absolutely hate when this happens to me.
I'm pretty sure roll lasts 1 second so anything "landing" within that time frame will be dodged, but I feel like with some channeled abilities it lasts longer. I've had all my Bound Armaments miss from 1 dodge roll. As each armament fires every .3 sec, 4 should land within 1.2 secs, but then they shouldn't all miss. I've also felt like I've dodged more bow ult projectiles than I should've but don't use the skill myself so it's possible I'm mistaken. But I just chalk it up to server issues like pretty much everything else I can't explain.
Waffennacht wrote: »
This is why I run with such high health. The bigger your health pool the more of a chance to survive this exact thing. I absolutely hate when this happens to me.