What is even the point of some doors before bosses closing the moment you engage the boss? Whatever it is they're trying to prevent should be addressed in a different way.
Everyone knows that pugs, which is what the majority of players do, rush ahead. It is common sight that half of the group is locked outside the boss room, unable to participate in the battle or teleport in. Why?? Often times the locked out person is the healer, who de facto has to be behind the group to assure everyone makes it to the next room safely.
This is not often raised as an issue because the rushers are usually high CP enough that they can duo/trio the boss without help from the locked out members. But other times, it just leads to unnecessarily prolonged battles and wipes. It's actually the dlc dungeons that require all four members that do this typically!
Yesterday pugging IC Prison, the tank kept rushing ahead, locking me (healer) and a DPS out of three boss rooms, then calling us stupid when he wiped. This could have easily been avoided by not locking doors the microsecond the boss was engaged!
Just find another way to address whatever it is you achieve through the doors locking. This mechanic causes unnecessary drama and player frustration.
Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr