Furnishing slots are an issue. We know it, you know it, everyone knows it.
Ideally, the item cap in houses should be increased, but this may not be possible right now.
Alternatively, interior and exterior cells could be split into separate instances, but that may be impossible too.
So in the meantime, why not add CLUSTER furniture? The game already has several of them, so the devs can clearly make it happen.
Cluster type furnishings are incredibly common amongst Plant, Pebble, and other types of Conservatory furniture.
Case in point:
Players can choose to buy individual Ivy shrubs or an Ivy Cluster of TEN for the same one slot.

And also we can choose to buy 1 Palm Tree, or 1 Palm Cluster with THREE trees and SEVEN ferns.

We have the option to place books individually, or place book STACKS.

We can use individual produce boxes, or a whole row of them all, FOR THE SAME ONE SLOT.
Clearly, Cluster type furniture are amazingly slot-efficient. (And clearly the devs know this, because often the more desirable more efficient Cluster item is Crowns only...) And yet, they are still probably less technically taxing than a Candelabra with 3 animated candleflames. (I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, I'm no game developer, I'd just assume that Cluster items still aren't a technical challenge compared to other individual items we have like flowing magical stuff or fountains or lights)
So why not make Cluster furniture for other furnishing types too?- It would help alleviate the furnishing slot issue for the time being (while being far from ideal of course, but still better than what we have now - like still having to place an INKWELL and a QUILL separately every time, when literally nobody would place an Inkwell without a Quill nearby!!!
- Many of these Clusters could combine existing assets, that would only need to be combined together in your model maker thing without needing new art
- You can make them Crowns only if you want to be reimbursed for your dev time (like many other Clusters are already Crowns only)
- Individual items would still remain used since they give more versatility and creativity, while the Cluster option would exist for a more restrictive but slot-efficient purpose.
List of ideas that would make popular Cluster furnishings:Kitchen Counter Cluster: Chopping board with various vegetables (Sure it's great that you added a flat little lettuce leaf in this patch, but it's ridiculous that we can place a whole underbush of ferns in one slot, but still need to place potatoes individually >_>)
Tea Set Cluster: You added a teacup, great! But you do realize that almost without exception, a Teapot will be accompanied by at least 2 but possibly more cups, maybe a tray, maybe spoons, and often incense (to make it seem like the beverage is hot)? Why not cater to this obvious pairing by making an actual slot-saving tea-set?
Pottery Cluster: Whether it's a group of Redguard amphoras or a corner of Solitude pots, this would help bring life to storerooms, kitchen corners and flower arrangements alike.
Cargo Cluster: Again, a blessing for Storerooms, Merchants, and Smuggling operations, to place crates/baskets/sacks in one slot.
Writing Desk Cluster: Almost all library desks in almost all houses have the same furnishings on them - light, reading material, writing supplies. Why not make an item that fulfills this common need, with a candle, papers, a finished scroll or two, and some books and an Inkwell with a Quill in one slot for a change?
Bathing Goods Cluster: Where there is a Bath/Basin, there are also Towels, soap/oil vials, and possibly a pitcher or jug. Why not add a nice Bathroom counter cluster? Alternatively, maybe a vanity cluster with a Fan, perfume bottle, jewelry box and a light or a mirror?
Gaming Cluster: How often do players place a
single Die somewhere? Surely, Dies are often paired up, or accompanied by piles of coins, a candle, maybe a cup, etc?
Banquet table cluster: Dining tables are notorious furnishing-slot-hogs, and having a central dining table cluster would help with that. It could include a tablecloth base, a large tray or platter with meat, surrounded by vegetables, and a few drink bottles. That would already save 10+ slots.
Fruitbowl cluster: Yes, fruitbowl. It is that simple. It still doesn't exist and it boggles the mind.

Also note that everything I listed in this thread already has an ingame model that could be coupled up with other already existing items, and I think all of the mentioned clusters are
items that are used together frequently (or literally always *cough* inkwell *cough*

) so there would likely be a demand for such slot-efficient versions. I also think it's fair to give credit where credit is due, and y
ou already made some moves that show that you're aware of the item slot issue and how clustering items helps with that - such as introducing Windowboxes (which are essentially going to replace all the troughs and individual flowers we had to use before), or many Blackwood dishes which include utensils and will help with the slot-nightmare of making a set dining table. So why not double down on the clusters, since they seem like a workable solution?
So, what does everyone think?
What are your most frequently paired up items that you would love to see as a cluster? 
Edit: See the replies from other players for more great ideas! I won't update the main post, but please devs if you read this check out the kind of things players frequently do (and would therefore have a reasonable demand for)!