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Should ESO let you have all classes on one character like in Final Fantasy 14?

Just curious as you already share gear and your bank. sharing motifs and crafting levels would be so much easier as well
Edited by Aertew on April 24, 2021 5:42AM

Should ESO let you have all classes on one character like in Final Fantasy 14? 273 votes

kcrayner_ESOKsariyuGilvothMoloch1514k9mouseCaligamy_ESOSubfocusCyberOnEsoTheForFeeFAgallochJacozillaAektannMalthorneWolfpawshadowprince116ElvenheartJeremyBashevAlayaMAtAfternoon 84 votes
milesrodneymcneely2_ESOBelegnoledcam86b14_ESOhaploeb14_ESOAwesomestMattAlurriaAntsyFiddlerLisawenchmore420b14_ESOlolo_01b16_ESOghost_bg_ESOGythralnpukAH93DanikatAllPlayAndNoWorkKhenarthiDTStormfoxSimen.askeland89b16_ESOpoodlemasterb16_ESO 172 votes
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ThorntongueopajTX12001rwb17_ESOKelAcadianPaladinSilverIce58VandorhauljosiahvajoergingerGreystagzvaviBradyfjordNightowl_74InayaWiseSkyTwinLampsDauntess13 17 votes
  • AlnilamE
    That aspect of FF14 is one of the things keeping me from trying it out.

    I like the option of swapping to a different character to do something else in an instant, rather than having to re-gear and re-skill the character I'm on.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Subfocus
    I dislike making alts for the simple reason of trying something else out, so I don't see it as a bad thing. One reason I love ffxiv.
  • Sylvermynx
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    That aspect of FF14 is one of the things keeping me from trying it out.

    I like the option of swapping to a different character to do something else in an instant, rather than having to re-gear and re-skill the character I'm on.

    Exactly my feelings.
  • Araneae6537
    I like having different characters as much for the sake of creating different characters, looks and stories as well as for different classes, roles and playstyles.

    I’ve never been in any rush to level crafting on alts and since all characters can use the styles learned at the outfit station, why would you need more than one character to learn anything more than the basic motifs?
  • Hagrett
    I always hope you will be able to do this one day.
    I imagine it would work as a drop down in the character pain similar to the outfit slot selection, and would replace the three class skill lines depending on which class you selected as the active one.
    It would be nice work around for making achievements/motifs/recipes etc. account-wide like people often request. Those who want them to remain unique to individusl characters could keep their alts, and those who wanted them account bound would be able to add additional classes to their "main". Win/win!

    I suppose it needs to be stressed here that this would be swapping between classes on one character - not stacking multiple class skills at the same time.
    Edited by Hagrett on April 23, 2021 10:04PM
  • Monte_Cristo
    I'd like it if all class skill trees were available to all characters, but you could only use 3 of them. For example, use dragonknight's flame, warden's ice and sorcerer's lightning trees to make an elemental wizard.
  • Sylvermynx
    If it was totally optional, I'd be fine with it. But I'm not sure that's how ZOS would handle it.
  • Sanguinor2
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    If it was totally optional, I'd be fine with it. But I'm not sure that's how ZOS would handle it.

    Im curious. How exactly would Zos force you to level multiple classes on your character?
    That aside I´d only want it if there was a skill/build loadout in the base game. Otherwise I dont really care.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • AlnilamE
    Hagrett wrote: »
    I always hope you will be able to do this one day.
    I imagine it would work as a drop down in the character pain similar to the outfit slot selection, and would replace the three class skill lines depending on which class you selected as the active one.
    It would be nice work around for making achievements/motifs/recipes etc. account-wide like people often request. Those who want them to remain unique to individusl characters could keep their alts, and those who wanted them account bound would be able to add additional classes to their "main". Win/win!

    I suppose it needs to be stressed here that this would be swapping between classes on one character - not stacking multiple class skills at the same time.

    I think best-case scenario is they introduce class change tokens, like they have tokens for Alliance and Race now.

    OP: Secret World Legends sort of has what you are talking about, but they don't have classes, they only have weapon types. So every skill you have is based on which two weapons you have equipped at that time.
    The Moot Councillor
  • spartaxoxo
    No. Because the classes themselves would probably be more limited in what they can with such a change, resulting in something like say Dragon knights being largely pigeonholed into tanks. One of the reasons you can't do that here is because each class can fulfill all roles.
  • Cryptor
    I am not a fan of this, just like I am not a fan of FFIVX
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Sylvermynx
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    If it was totally optional, I'd be fine with it. But I'm not sure that's how ZOS would handle it.

    Im curious. How exactly would Zos force you to level multiple classes on your character?
    That aside I´d only want it if there was a skill/build loadout in the base game. Otherwise I dont really care.

    I just see them as opting to go a full-on setup the way FF is (which I know about from my daughter who has played for years now, and never was an altoholic like I am so swapping classes fits her playstyle) instead of making an optional thing out of it. I have the feeling that "optional" isn't really a word in ZOS's vocabulary after several years around here. The logical way to "force" that is to remove the ability to make alts - in other words, reduce the number of character slots to one only. And if you still want alts, you'd have to have as many accounts as however many alts you want - one alt per account.

    It's probably not likely, no.

    The only base game skill/build loadout of course is via an addon. People have been asking for that ever since I got here (and likely before), and it still hasn't happened.
  • Sanguinor2
    Sylvermynx wrote: »

    I just see them as opting to go a full-on setup the way FF is (which I know about from my daughter who has played for years now, and never was an altoholic like I am so swapping classes fits her playstyle) instead of making an optional thing out of it. I have the feeling that "optional" isn't really a word in ZOS's vocabulary after several years around here. The logical way to "force" that is to remove the ability to make alts - in other words, reduce the number of character slots to one only. And if you still want alts, you'd have to have as many accounts as however many alts you want - one alt per account.

    It's probably not likely, no.

    The only base game skill/build loadout of course is via an addon. People have been asking for that ever since I got here (and likely before), and it still hasn't happened.

    Okay that didnt cross my mind. Removing character slots for that would be very annoying indeed.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • Elsonso

    It will be considered to be an exploit to sell class change tokens. We already have enough drift in the class balance just from them fiddling around. :neutral:
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
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    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Iccotak
    I mean at that point there might as well not be classes
  • Ackwalan
    Depends on how it was done

    1) Would class skill be available at all times, so you can mix and match? Or would you only be able to play one class at a time and have to actively switch from one class to the other?

    2) If you can only be one class at a time, how would you switch from one the the next? Can you switch on the fly (as long as not in combat) or can you only switch at a shrine or something?

    3) Would total skillpoints be shared among all classes, or would each class have access to all skillpoints? For example, if you have 300 skillpoints and spend 100 in one class and become a dual class character, would the second class have 300 points to use or 200?
  • kargen27
    First problem is not enough skill points available. Players would complain about having to pay to switch skills out each time they want to go with a different class. So either players would be miserable or the entire skill system would need to be reworked.
    2nd problem is the idea probably isn't good for the long term health of the game. The idea seems to be another attempt to get around lines and achievements not being account wide. An MMO needs players repeating content. Leveling new characters and going through the content to get mages, undaunted and all that leveled again means players repeating content. Good for the game.
    Next issue is more company related than player related but would in the end affect the players. Crown store we can purchase additional character slots and can purchase skill lines for characters if another character has earned them. I don't like the ability to purchase skill lines but it is there so...

    What this means to players is ZoS would need to replace that revenue and that means something like switching classes on your character would require a token from the crown store and they would be very expensive. As soon as the do this players fairly or not will start shouting about P2W even more than some do now.

    Best if you want to be a Templar to just level a Templar.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Amottica
    From what I have seen we can play all roles and that is more that sufficient.

    Also, FF14 has a very different server design in that you are only permitted to have one character per server.
  • Araneae6537
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    If it was totally optional, I'd be fine with it. But I'm not sure that's how ZOS would handle it.

    Im curious. How exactly would Zos force you to level multiple classes on your character?
    That aside I´d only want it if there was a skill/build loadout in the base game. Otherwise I dont really care.

    I just see them as opting to go a full-on setup the way FF is (which I know about from my daughter who has played for years now, and never was an altoholic like I am so swapping classes fits her playstyle) instead of making an optional thing out of it. I have the feeling that "optional" isn't really a word in ZOS's vocabulary after several years around here. The logical way to "force" that is to remove the ability to make alts - in other words, reduce the number of character slots to one only. And if you still want alts, you'd have to have as many accounts as however many alts you want - one alt per account.

    It's probably not likely, no.

    The only base game skill/build loadout of course is via an addon. People have been asking for that ever since I got here (and likely before), and it still hasn't happened.

    Oh wow, that would change my No to NOOOOOO!!!!

    No killing my characters!!! :scream:
    Edited by Araneae6537 on April 23, 2021 11:19PM
  • Kiralyn2000
    No. Different game is different.

    Being able to switch classes like that is FF14's equivalent of ESO's guild trader system - it's a distinct feature of that game, not a general system to copy into everything else.

    (it's also a thing borrowed from some previous single-player Final Fantasy games)

    And personally, I'm not a fan. I like making & running distinct alts. The whole "job system" thing bugs the heck out of me.
  • bmnoble
    Closest I can see to this happening is the class skill lines becoming purchasable in the the crown store like the guild lines, that way it still makes you level up the classes at least once.

    That and they would need to limit you to being able to put points into 3 class skill lines, want to use one of the others you have to remove all your skill points from one of your existing class skill lines, that way it prevents everyone getting every possible passive on the one character.

    Do I want that not really, it would result in a narrower META, we would end up with a lot of players following some guide that outlines the perfect possible setup considering the perfect combination of class skill lines.
  • colossalvoids
    Would love the ability to change my class from time to time, it's getting boring maining one class for years. And yes, I have full slots of alts and it's not the same at all.
  • Sephyr

    It's easy to put class abilities behind the class line levels and have them unlocked without the use of Skill Points. Given the fact that they've ran out of room for additional character slots and the sheer number of build combinations of magicka and stamina, it's a pain point that's led me to actually go TO FF14. I'm using my preorder money for Blackwood to instead get Endwalker when it comes out. ;D

    Edit: Also for people saying that 'FF14's model kills your alts' -- that's actually not true. Their sub model allows for you to make eight characters per world for the full Standard sub. If you're paying the 12.99 sub, you can make one character per world for a total of eight. Given they have world visits and soon data center visits, you can still make alts just fine. In ESO you can't even get a character transfer and your DLCs bought through the crown store isn't covered on the whole account so rebuilding on EU or, even worse, on a different platform because they don't have crossplay features.
    Edited by Sephyr on April 24, 2021 12:39AM
  • AcadianPaladin
    Other (Explain in comments)
    I'm neutral on this as long as it doesn't force itself on players.

    In my head canon, I my 'alts' are all the same character as described here:
    My characters actually 'are' each other. I've been playing the same little wood elf since 2007 (Oblivion at that time), through Skyrim and into ESO. She mastered time travel long ago so chronology/era-hopping is of no concern to her. She wakes up in the morning and decides whether to grab her staves or bows and moves among the differing versions of herself (magplar, magsorc, stamsorc…) as easily as she changes hairstyles or costumes. Each version of her looks identical and has only minimal different modifiers to her base name .

    The fact that so much of the game is (happily) account bound instead of character bound really helps this way of playing. I confess it is tedious though to level her up fully as a class/spec only to discover that class/spec does not work well for her. That is where a class change token would really come in handy. I have a fully leveled templar archer for example that we discovered we don't enjoy playing. So that version of her sits and gathers dust. A class change token would be ever so welcome to avoid the six month tedium of fully leveling horse, Undaunted, MG, FG, Psijic, Antiquities, Alliance skills. . . . Because of that tedium, I no longer start new characters to see if we like them.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Sylvermynx
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    If it was totally optional, I'd be fine with it. But I'm not sure that's how ZOS would handle it.

    Im curious. How exactly would Zos force you to level multiple classes on your character?
    That aside I´d only want it if there was a skill/build loadout in the base game. Otherwise I dont really care.

    I just see them as opting to go a full-on setup the way FF is (which I know about from my daughter who has played for years now, and never was an altoholic like I am so swapping classes fits her playstyle) instead of making an optional thing out of it. I have the feeling that "optional" isn't really a word in ZOS's vocabulary after several years around here. The logical way to "force" that is to remove the ability to make alts - in other words, reduce the number of character slots to one only. And if you still want alts, you'd have to have as many accounts as however many alts you want - one alt per account.

    It's probably not likely, no.

    The only base game skill/build loadout of course is via an addon. People have been asking for that ever since I got here (and likely before), and it still hasn't happened.

    Oh wow, that would change my No to NOOOOOO!!!!

    No killing my characters!!! :scream:

    Yeah. But stranger things have happened - so.... no, I don't actually trust that this wouldn't fly.
  • Sephyr
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    If it was totally optional, I'd be fine with it. But I'm not sure that's how ZOS would handle it.

    Im curious. How exactly would Zos force you to level multiple classes on your character?
    That aside I´d only want it if there was a skill/build loadout in the base game. Otherwise I dont really care.

    I just see them as opting to go a full-on setup the way FF is (which I know about from my daughter who has played for years now, and never was an altoholic like I am so swapping classes fits her playstyle) instead of making an optional thing out of it. I have the feeling that "optional" isn't really a word in ZOS's vocabulary after several years around here. The logical way to "force" that is to remove the ability to make alts - in other words, reduce the number of character slots to one only. And if you still want alts, you'd have to have as many accounts as however many alts you want - one alt per account.

    It's probably not likely, no.

    The only base game skill/build loadout of course is via an addon. People have been asking for that ever since I got here (and likely before), and it still hasn't happened.

    Oh wow, that would change my No to NOOOOOO!!!!

    No killing my characters!!! :scream:

    Yeah. But stranger things have happened - so.... no, I don't actually trust that this wouldn't fly.

    But the thing is, you can still have alts, so what you're saying is false. With the Standard Sub you can have eight characters per world. There are several worlds per Data Center. Given that you can world travel and soon Data Center travel later to launch this year, you can have way more alts than ESO would allow with a standard sub. Unless she's paying for the 12.99 sub (Entry sub), what you've told that other person is simply untrue.

    It wouldn't fly because that's not the way you think it works.

    Edit: How do I know? I pay a standard sub. I've plenty of alts to choose from and it's never inhibited me whatsoever. In one server alone you can have upwards of 40 characters per Data Center and with World Visit, it literally makes that number stand out as opposed to ESO. So even without Data Center Visit? You still have more characters to create vs. ESO.
    Edited by Sephyr on April 24, 2021 2:25AM
  • Kidgangster101
    I like having different characters as much for the sake of creating different characters, looks and stories as well as for different classes, roles and playstyles.

    I’ve never been in any rush to level crafting on alts and since all characters can use the styles learned at the outfit station, why would you need more than one character to learn anything more than the basic motifs?

    But what's stopping you from doing that? Even if it were implemented the people that don't want alts can do it all on one toon and the people that do want it for rp purposes still can have multiple toons......

    Your play style and what you want isn't everyone's just a fyi. More things in the game mean more players that get attracted to the game. Which makes the game last longer......

    The arguments of "no I like alts and grinding" is actually a huge turn off for more people. They still need to grind class skills/levels they just can switch around really no problem with it.
  • Runefang
    Classes still feel like an after thought in this game. If they’d gone with more weapon lines and more weapons from the start it would be an improvement.

    My Warden can summon a bear while my Sorc can summon a scamp and why one single character couldn’t do both I’m not sure. Lore wise I mean.

    Classes limit your skills but nothing in the game seems to tell you why that’s the case. No NPC refers to your class, ever. It’s a total blind spot for something that defines what you do in the game more than your race, gender or alliance.

    I would not be up for a single character, I too like multiple. But it’d be better to define my characters by weapons, spells and skills rather than the narrow vein of a “class” skill set.
  • Bradyfjord
    Other (Explain in comments)
    If the game had something like what the OP proposes from the beginning, I would probably like it. But I don't want to change something fundamental like this now that we're several years in.
  • Araneae6537
    I like having different characters as much for the sake of creating different characters, looks and stories as well as for different classes, roles and playstyles.

    I’ve never been in any rush to level crafting on alts and since all characters can use the styles learned at the outfit station, why would you need more than one character to learn anything more than the basic motifs?

    But what's stopping you from doing that? Even if it were implemented the people that don't want alts can do it all on one toon and the people that do want it for rp purposes still can have multiple toons......

    Your play style and what you want isn't everyone's just a fyi. More things in the game mean more players that get attracted to the game. Which makes the game last longer......

    The arguments of "no I like alts and grinding" is actually a huge turn off for more people. They still need to grind class skills/levels they just can switch around really no problem with it.

    Obviously. I never implied anyone did or should have the same playstyle as me. The poll is asking for people’s opinions and the why behind it, so I gave it. And yes, there are certain skill lines that I find a bit of a drag to level up. I was addressing those brought up by OP. Crafting seemed to me an odd reason to want such a thing as there are often people giving away Intricates.

    So why would I not want such a change? It would add nothing of value for me and yet, I gather, require a lot of work on ZOS’s part (else why wouldn’t we have class change tokens?) and I would be concerned that things would become more geared toward people who do all things on a single character. Honestly, I would rather have further options to specialize my characters in different ways, but I’m happy with what we have.
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