Nerfing of proc sets and crit damage

I am new to the forums but not the game. I have 3 yrs and a lot of real money tied up in this game. But with your recent nerfs of basically everything damage related, my characters are back to noob level and I am over 1200 cp level. To me it feels like this has become a gravy train and all your concerned with is keeping that train going. You want to solve performance issues maintain, repair and advance your equipment. Instead of throwing it back at the players, you give us great sets and stats we learn ,farm and share what we’ve learned and we make the best with it. Instead of nerfing the hell out of us why don’t you as as developers dig in do the work on your end instead of penalizing the players. Now your going to nerf the hell out of us again in the new chapter. I have been watching the zone chats and talking to guild members as well, players are really pissed over this and if you continue on this path it will start costing you players.
  • ClawOfTheTwoMoons
    This is what zos does. They release something overturned to lure people into buying their "chapters" then nerf them a year later so it doesn't disrupt sales of the next one. Typical bait and switch.
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