Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Terrible Performance

Returning after a 2 year stint and the performance is still terrible? Should it be? I upgraded my computer in these 2 years so I thought it would run better but it runs much the same with still slow latency; very slow reaction time to button presses; and choppy FPS. Since this is an old game and I have a new rig, I'd think I can run this in max settings, no issue, but my FPS goes to the extremes of 180 down to like 15 sometimes with no real explanation.


I paint stuff sometimes...
  • LettuceBrain
    I've had performance issues for the last month or a few. I don't even remember. Sometimes button reactions are slow, but lately players appearances aren't loading in and some quest giving NPCs are straight up invisible.
  • Fennwitty
    I'm not sure any MMO can really be played on 'max' settings. They design graphics purposefully to be higher max than machines are even capable of at release, on the assumption technology will magically improve over time.

    Pare down the settings until it's comfortable to play. If your machine's top end you'll get more than someone with a weaker machine could.
    PC NA
  • etchedpixels
    It's also not helped by the fact that - like a lot of older games - ESO really only knows how to use 4 threads effectively, so the other 8 on your CPU are not really doing much.

    Some of the other stuff is tied to server performance and network bandwidth. Server lag has been dire for some time (and made far worse when they added stadia for some reason). Hopefully the promised new server farm will help. You can see the lack of client side coverage/hiding of latency effects fairly easily if you play both NA and EU and have significantly different latency between them. Even things like collecting the daily writs off the board are noticeably more sluggish on the distant server.

    Invisible NPCs were supposedly addressed in the last hotfixes

    Too many toons not enough time
  • Mithrazielle
    Hopefully this response will help. While I am not a ZOS person or Developer, I have written Quakestyle 6DoF games AND their world editors, so I know my way around the entire spectrum of performance.

    The primary factor in any game like this is _prediction_. This game doesn't operate on the concept of draw it draw it draw, then react because something happened. Instead, it predicts the outcome based on where things are at, and then checks for that in an interrupt driven way. It allows for much more dynamic gaming with far less computation that the old way-- and usually works pretty darn well.

    The pitfall- Because of this, everything has to be kept in sync. Synchronization, not the speed of your PC/Console is the pinch-point for your performance. Information is constantly being sent to your system and back from it, to keep things in sync. If the comm pathway between you and the server has any issues (and believe me that is fairly typical unless you have a business class connection), the network becomes the bottleneck for the traffic, and what you see is the 'stuttering', lags, pauses, jumps in performance.

    It isn't you, it's either your internet connection, or someone up the chain of your provider is have a bad day with a switch.

    On a PC, if you know how, you can open a window and ping a domain. In DOS, that's ping -t <domain>. You want to try to ping things in different places away from you or near where a ZOS server might be that is serving you and see if:

    a) any packets are being lost (you want 0%), and
    b) how long it's taking packets to travel. You want something < than 35ms

    You can also do a 'traceroute' - check whatever appropriate docs for your system. Traceroute to a ZOS server, or any switch/hub near it, will give you an idea of:

    a) how many hops (spans between switching equipment) your packets are jumping, and
    b) how long each of those hops is taking.

    If you do this and see some major switch above your provider is taking 115ms (or some other crazy long value), they are having a problem, and it isn't your provider- the problem is with whomever is providing to your provider.

    9 times out 10- if you experience performance issues for _any_ internet connect game, it will be connection-related, not your system, and not necessarily the game-provider's server.
  • etchedpixels
    On a PC, if you know how, you can open a window and ping a domain. In DOS, that's ping -t <domain>. You want to try to ping things in different places away from you or near where a ZOS server might be that is serving you and see if:

    a) any packets are being lost (you want 0%), and
    b) how long it's taking packets to travel. You want something < than 35ms

    Ping will not give you this data reliably (even vaguely). Routers delay, defer and rate limit ping responses to prevent their use in DDOS attacks or just accidental error storms. In addition at least for some traffic paths Zenimax routes through anti-ddos services.

    Also for ESO it's simply not the case that the latency is all in the network. You can do sunspire with 12 people from all over the place and all be experiencing half second skill lag and misfiring skills/missed bar swaps. There is a lot of latency server side many times.

    You can only do one skill and one attack per second so 35ms really isn't needed - it's not fortnite.

    ESO does have its own latency timer - and you can drop it into the game window. It seems to be the full server round trip time so is a lot more accurate.
    Too many toons not enough time
  • fakingfocused
    It's getting out of hand for me as well. I've always been able to deal with the bouts of lag and missfires in the past. But this has been on another level. I play a high pressure style in BGs so am so dependent on skills and potions firing exactly when needed. Lately I've had instances where I try to use a potion and it actually make the splash like sound effect like it took, but then never refunds resources, I have had it happen where it's like 3+ tries in a row, I've even stopped moving and using abilities and still nothing. Or in another instance went to use my repentance ability on corpses that are clearly glowing and nothing. So I stop stand right next to it still glowing and try again...nothing at all. Between all of this and abilities not always firing on the first or second attempt of using them it makes it all the harder to stay competitive and climb leaderboards. I've also noticed that time and time again I will burst an enemy down to 99.99 percent and on that last strike there will be like a few second delay, when my skills just blatantly stop working. If people are around kill steals all the time, if no one I get the kill but after seconds of stuttering. I know sometimes it's incredibly situational, and how that is somewhat a thing in BGs, but this is absolutely abnormal. Its like my jabs go from destroying...to absolute wet noodles. Full resources, and abilities won't excute for that slight pause or they will fire but not real damage or damage tics. And then the few times things actually operate as intended everything just melts with absolute ease.

    This feeds into problems trying to tweak your build as well, nothing is reliable so it's hard to test things. I've tried all sorts of set ups thinking It was my build at first, only to melt stuff initially after tweeking then right back to were I was to start just with new upgeaded gear and combinations.
  • The_Lex
  • WiseSky
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • SpiritofESO
    Edited by SpiritofESO on June 29, 2024 4:56PM
    • "Adapt or Die"
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