So we are having issues with selling on traders, selling through merchants, and going through our craft bags. These are known workarounds until Zos gets this fixed.
For selling on traders, we can't scroll through our items to sell. Work around: you are still scrolling through you just can't see it, switch to listing page and back (LB/RB on Xbox) and it will show where you scrolled too. The feature for searching for specific item works too (hold x on Xbox) and that will also show you where you have scrolled to.
For selling on merchants, when you sell an item it does not disappear from inventory so you could accidentally start selling other things in your inventory as a result. Work Around: after selling each individual item, swap to buy back screen (RB on Xbox) and then back again and the item should now be gone.
For scrolling through items in craft bag, you are still scrolling you just can't see it. Work Around: after scrolling hit options (Y on Xbox) and it will show you where you are at.
If anyone finds other bugs with workarounds, please post them here. I know this isn't great, but at least it's something.