You need to install and activate the addon "Detailed Research Scrolls" ( in order to make the settings work/show.Automatic Markings Addon Menu = Research scrolls = CANT FIND " Research scrolls" in Addon menu
Found a wrong variable and fixed it. But also found a problem with the CraftStore main crafting char set (at the craftstore UI, left click the names of your characters and in the popup right click the one char that should be your main crafter).CraftStoreFA - Automatic Markings ON in Addon Menu = Unknown recipes = MARKING DOES NOT WORK
Did you read the /!\ Warning triangle icon tooltips next to the "Mark known/unknown recipes" setting? If you select SousChef you also need to enable some settings in SousChef in order to be able to use the addon!SousChef - Automatic Markings ARE GREYED OUT in Addon Menu = Unknown recipes = MARKINGs or labeling DOES NOT WORK
Nope, it cannot as the ResearchAssistant API is not providing the info (yet, maybe added in the future). Yellow ones are duplicates! It means the same itemtype + trait is given elsewhere and this one will have a red square AND the FCOIS marker applied.ResearchAssistant - Automatic Markings ON in Addon Menu = Research = Semi - WORKING not all researchables , The Yellow square icon of Research Assistant should have the research FCO ITEM saver Icon
Works as intended. If the marker icon is disabled in the icon settings or the automatic marking is somehow disabled, the additional inventory flag context menu entyr will be disabled as well. With the upcoming Blackwood patch some entries will even be missing in total, e.g. at the Companion inventory, as companion items cannot be marked for set collections e.g., or be researched etc.You can only select the Sub Menu Categories for Automatic Markings in the inventory when Automatic Markings is on "ON" in Addon Menu
(example Ornate = ON---- Everything Else "OFF"
This was on purpose. Everyone of us is suing the addon settings very often!TYPO in - Menu- Addons- FcoItem Saver- Marks - Automatic Marks - Recipe
Good point, didn't know/never tested they cannot be researched. Will check how to see they got reconstructed and prevent the marker icon on them.Items that have been Reconstructed get the RESEARCH mark even though they cant be researched
a) Maybe play around with the "Automatic set markers", especially with the wished trait/unwished trait markers.let me know what else you need testing
Failed to create control 'LibCustomMenuSubmenu'. Duplicate name.
user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:86: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:86: in function 'Submenu:Initialize' |caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{}, name = "LibCustomMenuSubmenu" </Locals>|r user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:78: in function 'Submenu:New' |caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2]{}, object = [table:1] </Locals>|r user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:648: in function 'OnAddonLoaded' |caaaaaa<Locals> event = 65536, name = "LibCustomMenu" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:579: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:579: in function 'CreateSubMenu' |caaaaaa<Locals> control = ud, state = 2 </Locals>|r user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:394: in function 'callback' user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:64: in function '(anonymous)'
Bug with LibCustomMenuSubMenu that I did not know about that Votan has a fix for herePart 2 - Still working on Testing the last 2 things you asked me
Testing the "Set Tracker" = AddOn Error= LOG INFailed to create control 'LibCustomMenuSubmenu'. Duplicate name.user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:86: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:86: in function 'Submenu:Initialize' |caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{}, name = "LibCustomMenuSubmenu" </Locals>|r user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:78: in function 'Submenu:New' |caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2]{}, object = [table:1] </Locals>|r user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:648: in function 'OnAddonLoaded' |caaaaaa<Locals> event = 65536, name = "LibCustomMenu" </Locals>|r
Testing the "Set Tracker" = AddOn Error= When I click on the Inventory Flag Sub Menuuser:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:579: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:579: in function 'CreateSubMenu' |caaaaaa<Locals> control = ud, state = 2 </Locals>|r user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:394: in function 'callback' user:/AddOns/SetTracker/libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:64: in function '(anonymous)'
Hm, okay. Will have a look why it's not protected anymore.Automatic Markings Addon Menu = Research scrolls = The Locked Icon is working properly, but You can still use a Scroll EVEN IF IT LOCKED as seen in the picture.
You can only apply icons that can be applied manually to the items as well! e.g. research cannot be applied to non-researchable items like food or recipes. Same applies to gear marker icons -> only to armor/weapons/jewelry.Testing unknown recipe marking Craft Store FA : = WORKING only with certain ICONS Not ALL others
> SousChef settings -> 'List Characters Who Know Recipe': ON = WORKING only with certain ICONS Not ALL others
The Automatic Research Icon Marking Works Only when the Main RED ICON on an item is in your Inventory, when you use the INVETORY SUB menu - Research. It Marks all the Yellow Icons With the Research trait Automatically no matter where they are. If the RED ICON Item is in your Bank and you try to Automatically Mark Items from the FCO MENU or the Inventory Menu It wont Work.
I'm not sure I understand you here?Automatic set markers:
Reconstructed and Transmuted pieces don't show as the Know Collected SET
Thanks, will change the term "wished" to desired everywhere.Typos
Updated the beta to version 3:
-Recipe icon selection dropdown boxes will ony show marker icons that can be applied to recipes now
-Automatic markings: Submenu to choose the inventory bags that are scanned after each reloadui/login/zone change (player inventory, bank)
-ResearchAssistant and other addons will scan the bank as well now if enabled in the automatic markings "bags to scan" submenu.