I think stamina builds will more easily reach the weapon damage required to have procs do similar damage to what's on live right now, if not even more damage. Magicka builds don't stack damage as easily because of light armor passives*. Also, many magic based sets can scale with weapon damage now meaning stamina builds can use magicka procs like Valkynskoria and have EVEN MORE burst than they have now.
I have three hybrid characters (four if I count my tank) so I love mixing things up but the thing is that my hybrids have comparable weapon and spell damage. If I managed to get my weapon damage high enough to use procs well, my spell damage is probably also there. That's how I build. So when I read that stamina builds can make use of magicka procs with no investment into magic, I recoil. Something seems broken.
In my opinion, physical damage (stamina sets) should scale only with weapon damage, and magic damage sets should only scale with spell damage. I believe this would help to prevent a potential imbalance in the game.
*(We can talk about how light armor and medium armor passives are too restrictive for hybrid builds in another thread)
Edited by StarOfElyon on April 20, 2021 7:46PM