An OOC Community Roleplaying Hub for PC-NA
Now Open!
About The Blackwood SyndicateThe Blackwood Syndicate is an OOC Roleplaying Hub designed as a platform in which players may network and cultivate roleplay specific to the geographical region of
Blackwood. Characters of all races and Alliance War affiliations (or lack thereof) are welcome so long as they maintain an IC tie to the Blackwood region, such as one of its main cities of Leyawiin or Gideon.
The goal of this community is to foster roleplay, first and foremost. No one guild, individual or collection of individuals "owns" any facet of roleplay nor do we recognize or tolerate landclaims. We have created this Hub as a means to encourage and facilitate interaction between characters, guilds and alliances with interests in the region of Blackwood.
FeaturesThriving Markets
We offer a comprehensive listing of all player-hosted and guild-hosted markets within the region of Blackwood to provide players with a quick and easy reference of where to find market-themed roleplay events within the zone.
Traders and artisans are invited to peddle their wares to the denizens of the region by registering for our
Market Vendors Directory. We hope to attract players of merchant and crafter characters who would enjoy a change of scenery and would like to contribute by becoming regular or casual vendors in both "legitimate" and "underworld" market fairs!
A Guild Collective
With the arrival of the new Chapter, we hope to see a number of new guilds and noble Houses based in or near the Blackwood region of Cyrodiil emerge within the community!
The Blackwood Syndicate offers an easy way for guilds to network, form alliances and organize multi-guild events relative to the region through our
Regional Guilds Directory.
A Living Region
In addition to open-world and guild-centric roleplay,
The Blackwood Syndicate welcomes those players who would like to contribute in other ways of helping the region of Blackwood feel truly alive. We encourage players who would like to open their
private houses as public roleplay areas to do so if they are ICly based within or near the region. Examples might include storefronts, jousting fields, cemeteries, chapels, public meeting areas or theatres. The possibilities are endless!
A Welcoming CommunityThe Blackwood Syndicate is a fully-inclusive community designed to function as a safe-space for all regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity or disability. We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding homophobic, transphobic, racist and ableist language and commentary.
We also encourage those new to both the ESO-RP community and to roleplay in general to participate!
Come and join a friendly and welcoming community eager to create a thriving roleplay experience in a brand-new zone! How Does It Work?The Blackwood Syndicate makes use of a
dedicated Discord server and functions as a highly-organized OOC roleplay Hub. Channels are categorized by activity type including events, markets, guilds, looking-for-roleplay and more. Members are able to self-assign roles appropriate to their character(s) in order to make finding who and what one is looking for much easier.
In addition to functioning as an OOC Discord Hub,
The Blackwood Syndicate also operates an
in-game Hub Guild!
The purpose of the in-game "guild" is to provide an active, easily-referenced presence within the game itself in which players can view when their fellow Hub members are online and easily use the chat function to advertise where roleplay can be found.
**The in-game guild is entirely optional and is not required for players to make use of the Hub's resources!**Who Can Join?In-Character
Essentially, characters with a logical IC reason to visit, live or work within the region of Blackwood are welcome to join!
As Blackwood is a region within the province of Cyrodiil,
Imperial characters are expected to make up one of the larger demographics, especially those of
Niben persuasion. However, as an area situated only a short distance from the provinces of Black Marsh and Elsweyr, Blackwood is also home to sizeable populations of
Argonians and Khajiit. Additionally, the region is home to the important port city of Leyawiin with characters such as
pirates, sailors, soldiers and
immigrants from other lands not out of place amongst its denizens.
The Blackwood region will be accessible to anyone owning the
Blackwood Chapter when it arrives on PC June 1st!
Additionally, we will be recruiting
Discord moderators for those interested in helping to more actively support the Hub.
How Can I Sign Up?
You can join our Discord server
now by clicking on the following link:
Additionally, if you have any questions about the Hub, please forward them to myself or my partner, Beltane!:
Beltane#3323**(Strictly open to Roleplayers only with elements of PVE included from time to time. Trolling and false accounts will result in permanent bans.)**