I have a nice treasure chest run I'd like to make a route for. Basically, allowing me to mark several points: 1-2-3-4-5-6, etc and then I can go from point to point. Is there any kind of mod that does this?
Doing something like that runs the risk of getting yourself flagged as a bot.
From what I have read in the forums, if it automates your character's movements around the map would be against the TOS. It makes sense as it is more than just changing gear and skills.
Um.... I know where every chest I've ever found is in the last 3 years - along with skyshards. Run a route? Nope. When I'm in an area, I hit all the chest spawns - some of them won't be live, some of them will be simple or intermediate; I open them - I'm there, and I've got leads from them on occasion, and there's always something to sell plus some gold. Some of them will be master, and you know what really sucks? I have yet to get a lead out of a master chest - and the stuff in them isn't honestly all that great.
Harvest Map does exactly this. Just enable chests and nothing else in the Farming Tour.
Using the route feature of HarvestMap seems like overkill for treasure chests, but if you are unfamiliar with a zone it will help you avoid impassable areas... like that chest which is right over there on the map, at the top of a hundred foot cliff you need to traverse half the zone to get to.