Will companion stats be account or character based?

It's been revealed once you unlock a companion, they will be available for all alts. I'm wondering if each character can customize them differently or do all your characters "share" the same the version?

For example, could my dd use Bastion as a tank with a tanky rotation, gear, and costume, but my healer use Bastion as a dd with different skills, gear and costume. Or is it once you've statted Bastion, he's the same stats for all your alts and you have to manually change him if you want him to have a different role or look for another alt.
Edited by Remathilis on April 16, 2021 2:28PM
  • Starlock
    Very good question.

    The companion system looks far deeper than I was expecting it to be, and the little details like this will be interesting to learn.

    A bit sad that the answer to "are companions sworn to carry your burdens" is no. I feel like each unlocked companion could've at least increased carry capacity by ten. Come on. Everyone knows companions are supposed to be pack mules!
  • B0SSzombie
    Starlock wrote: »
    Very good question.

    The companion system looks far deeper than I was expecting it to be, and the little details like this will be interesting to learn.

    A bit sad that the answer to "are companions sworn to carry your burdens" is no. I feel like each unlocked companion could've at least increased carry capacity by ten. Come on. Everyone knows companions are supposed to be pack mules!

    I've NEVER given Companions in Bethesda games any of my stuff! Odds are they'll just drop it for some reason or somehow "eat" the damn thing.

    "Thank you for throwing away that unique Gun that was annoying to get Boone, I didn't want it anyway!"
  • virtus753
    Starlock wrote: »
    Very good question.

    The companion system looks far deeper than I was expecting it to be, and the little details like this will be interesting to learn.

    A bit sad that the answer to "are companions sworn to carry your burdens" is no. I feel like each unlocked companion could've at least increased carry capacity by ten. Come on. Everyone knows companions are supposed to be pack mules!

    They are tired of carrying burdens, dammit!

    Companion strike incoming.

    ETA: The warpig and packrat are at least cute, smallish, and lacking in passive aggressive commentary.
    Edited by virtus753 on April 16, 2021 3:53PM
  • Elvenheart
    But we get to carry THEIR burdens if we want them to have multiple armor sets for different situations 😃
  • virtus753
    Elvenheart wrote: »
    But we get to carry THEIR burdens if we want them to have multiple armor sets for different situations 😃

    Has it been confirmed that their armor takes up our slots? It would be better if collecting their armor went to the collections menu and we could equip it on them from there.
  • etchedpixels
    B0SSzombie wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Very good question.

    The companion system looks far deeper than I was expecting it to be, and the little details like this will be interesting to learn.

    A bit sad that the answer to "are companions sworn to carry your burdens" is no. I feel like each unlocked companion could've at least increased carry capacity by ten. Come on. Everyone knows companions are supposed to be pack mules!

    I've NEVER given Companions in Bethesda games any of my stuff! Odds are they'll just drop it for some reason or somehow "eat" the damn thing.

    "Thank you for throwing away that unique Gun that was annoying to get Boone, I didn't want it anyway!"

    In Skyrim at least they mostly looked after it, and indeed there are jokes about being used just to carry stuff written into it and it sometimes makes sense to give them good gear. My main skyrim companion actually has the deathbrand gear.
    Too many toons not enough time
  • Thechuckage
    Comps are supposed to approve/disapprove of you actions while summoned. It stands to reason that Character A is building rep because you are currently playing. Character B (an alt) cannot gain or lose rep for obvious reasons.

    The most reasonable way to handle it is to individualize gear/levels/reputation for each player character. Lets you build each comp up as you see fit and would keep them from further trivializing content when used on a low level alt (the majority of the content is pretty darn trivial for most longterm players)
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