Outside of BDO, ESO has the best combat of any mmo out there, I don't like massive gcds in my skills, I hate long cool downs.
Outside of BDO, ESO has the best combat of any mmo out there, I don't like massive gcds in my skills, I hate long cool downs.
Then you don't know a lot of MMO.
Blade&Soul got the best gameplay of all MMOs
This is just a gameplay of a new player, don't even unlocked all his skills.
No thanks.Then you don't know a lot of MMO.
Blade&Soul got the best gameplay of all MMOs
This is just a gameplay of a new player, don't even unlocked all his skills.
bantamguar wrote: »No thanks.Then you don't know a lot of MMO.
Blade&Soul got the best gameplay of all MMOs
This is just a gameplay of a new player, don't even unlocked all his skills.
Those type of flashy animations have put me off so many games because of how over the top they are. My character doesn't need to jump in the air and spin 10 times to launch a fireball or hit someone with a sword. Don't get me wrong, there are much needed improvements to the visuals - especially when comparing the newer classes with base game. But they should look more realistic compared to that ^
bantamguar wrote: »No thanks.Then you don't know a lot of MMO.
Blade&Soul got the best gameplay of all MMOs
This is just a gameplay of a new player, don't even unlocked all his skills.
Those type of flashy animations have put me off so many games because of how over the top they are. My character doesn't need to jump in the air and spin 10 times to launch a fireball or hit someone with a sword. Don't get me wrong, there are much needed improvements to the visuals - especially when comparing the newer classes with base game. But they should look more realistic compared to that ^
The melee animations are the main reason I stuck with a bow. The skill animations are generally fine, but I seriously dislike the light and heavy attack animations with swords, daggers, etc. They're way too telegraphed and full of overswings. Your character takes too long to swing their sword, and then they swing it so far that their entire body twists 90 degrees and their weapon goes behind them. Skyrim had this "issue" too, but it didn't look nearly as ridiculous. When you swing your weapon to the point that your weapon arm ends up behind your head, aren't you leaving yourself completely exposed? I'm not some HEMA fanatic, but this sort of thing is starting to bug me in a lot of fantasy games. You're supposed to be this experienced warrior, but you swing a sword like someone who's never touched one before.
bantamguar wrote: »No thanks.Then you don't know a lot of MMO.
Blade&Soul got the best gameplay of all MMOs
This is just a gameplay of a new player, don't even unlocked all his skills.
Those type of flashy animations have put me off so many games because of how over the top they are. My character doesn't need to jump in the air and spin 10 times to launch a fireball or hit someone with a sword. Don't get me wrong, there are much needed improvements to the visuals - especially when comparing the newer classes with base game. But they should look more realistic compared to that ^
I don't think they're saying they want the animations to be that over the top. Even just looking at the way the character moves in that game, I personally think it's better than the way we move in ESO (it still isn't the best imo, but a little better). And when I say I think it's better, I'm talking about how smooth it looks, not how exaggerated it is that he's able to jump in the air. That little jog to the side he does whenever he suddenly moves to the left or right adds a whole lot of personality to him imo, and it makes the sudden change between standing still and running feel more natural. I'm not saying ESO absolutely needs in-between animations like that (forgot what they're called), but they make movements feel more satisfying.
Tbh, I do like many of the animations in ESO. The walking animation for females is great, and the one for males is alright. What I've never liked, however, are the sprinting and melee attack animations. Sprinting looks VERY unnatural and stiff. It's hard to explain why I dislike it in text, but I honestly avoided sprinting when I first played because I thought the animation looked so weird. I've gotten used to it since then, but I still wish they'd change it. The running (or jogging) animation is nice. I primarily play as a female character, and I actually like this animation, especially the one when she's running with a bow equipped. But the one thing that bothers me about the run animation with no weapons equipped is that your character's elbows are so far out as a female that it almost feels she's trying too hard to look girly.
The melee animations are the main reason I stuck with a bow. The skill animations are generally fine, but I seriously dislike the light and heavy attack animations with swords, daggers, etc. They're way too telegraphed and full of overswings. Your character takes too long to swing their sword, and then they swing it so far that their entire body twists 90 degrees and their weapon goes behind them. Skyrim had this "issue" too, but it didn't look nearly as ridiculous. When you swing your weapon to the point that your weapon arm ends up behind your head, aren't you leaving yourself completely exposed? I'm not some HEMA fanatic, but this sort of thing is starting to bug me in a lot of fantasy games. You're supposed to be this experienced warrior, but you swing a sword like someone who's never touched one before.
Aardappelboom wrote: »Aah yes, would be a very welcome addition. I'd definitely like them to take a look at how weapons behave in first person as well. I love first person but something is putting me off using it.
I agree with the majority, we don't need anime styled animations. Just more realistic ones. I'd be cool if they could make weaving more fluid as well, most skills have a specific motion and it would be nice if a light attack would connect fluidly with where the sword is after you use a skill.
I can imagine that would take quite a bit of work though, probably not something on their list right now.
Nastassiya wrote: »
Yeah i also do not like such flashy animations. But ye the actual animations in ESO are very outdated and clunky. This is also often critized in magazins (so there are a plenty Players which do not start play ESO because of this).
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »
Yeah i also do not like such flashy animations. But ye the actual animations in ESO are very outdated and clunky. This is also often critized in magazins (so there are a plenty Players which do not start play ESO because of this).
Whats a magazin?
Anyway on a strong computer, the entire combat thing is just fun. I can bang off all kinds of stuff seamlessly and the animations on my 4k monitor are very good indeed.
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »
Yeah i also do not like such flashy animations. But ye the actual animations in ESO are very outdated and clunky. This is also often critized in magazins (so there are a plenty Players which do not start play ESO because of this).
Whats a magazin?
Anyway on a strong computer, the entire combat thing is just fun. I can bang off all kinds of stuff seamlessly and the animations on my 4k monitor are very good indeed.
Games Newspaper ^^ They often critized the bad animations in eso " That they are stiff and clunky"
I don't know what animations have to do with the 4k resolution...? Because animations are the same at every resolution.