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Scrying Needs Help, Will you consider this, Zenimax?

I'm desperate to see this aspect of the game get some much needed love and attention.

Reality A:
  • Scrying generates a lot of bound furniture.
  • Many players, like me, don't care at all about furniture.
  • We love Scrying, but it gives items that are very disappointing.
Reality B:
  • Scrying requires a purchased expansion.
  • Items are bound to encourage purchases.
  • Unbinding items will discourage purchases.

All I ask, Zenimax, is that you consider this idea, just consider it. If you consider it and reject it, I will understand, but I will feel better knowing you considered it.
  • The game already contains a "you cannot buy this" mechanic.
    A lot of items in the game on vendors are coded red when they are ineligible for me to purchase, maybe I lack the gold, the qualifications, or the writs....
  • Unbound Scrying but only those who have Greymoor unlocked.
    Scrying items can be sold on vendors, but will appear as RED to customers who do not have greymoor unlocked. Dropping a Scry item in a trade window with someone who has not unlocked Greymoor will fail.
It's really simple. Most players probably have Greymoor, and I desperately want to trade/sell my Scry items. I understand the logic of binding the's to encourage people to buy the expansion, I get it, Zenimax, I'm on your side here. But why punish all of us who have unlocked Greymoor? If anything, players who do not have greymoor unlocked and see an awesome item on a Guild vendor that they are locked out of will be tempted even more to unlock it. It is a win win.

I hate furniture, I have no need for it, and I just love Scrying. I'm also very fond of being a trader. It only makes sense that I could sell my relics. I believe it wont wont hurt your profits, Zenimax, if you keep Scry relics unbound only within Greymoor-unlocked players.

Also, please add a lot more robustness to the item pool of scryable items so it is not so heavily weighted towards the incredibly boring bound furniture.

Bound furniture is about as exciting as another yellow item style, it is a complete yawner.
  • Vlad9425
    The items being bound makes them kind of unique since essentially you’ve had to earn them yourself instead of just buying them. Maybe they could let you sell items below gold quality and keep the gold quality ones bound.
  • hafgood
    You hate furniture- simple solution then - don't scry for it. No one is making you do so. Just scry those leads which do interest you.
  • KalyanLazair
    It wouldn't bother me if furniture items were unbound, since I've gotten more tables than I know what to do with, and I care about furniture. The thing about furnishing antiquities is that most of the time I don't even know what to do with them. Some are very neat, but others are HUGE and difficult to place without them being an eyesore. Also, I don't really care about having some Stormhave knight's tomb in my houses so I've placed the ones I've gotten in the museum, which is where I place all the weird stuff I can't logically place in any normal house.
  • colossalvoids
    Or alternatively allow us to dismantle them for some style materials or something.
  • DinoZavr

    After Blackwood goes live, Greymoor becomes a DLC, so subscribers with ESO+ can access it
    During Free ESO+ trials everybody is able to access DLC

    i'd be happy if these fancy furnishings might be sold to NPC vendors or deconstructed for tempers and materials.
    PC EU
  • Sarannah
    Easier solution: make leads tradeable!
  • AlnilamE
    Or alternatively allow us to dismantle them for some style materials or something.

    This. Or give all furnishings a 100 gold vendor value.

    I like the fact that you have to get your own furnishings.
    The Moot Councillor
  • _Zathras_
    I'd be ok with being able to sell the items. We can sell jewelry, but in order to be a jeweler you have to purchase the content. Maybe they just doubled down on having to own the content to have any benefit of that skill line. More sales that way, especially since it isn't just cosmetic; it has mythical gear.
  • Madhojo
    Its the same backwards logic ZOS uses for most of the game tbh. I'm not sure why or where this anti trade/sell/breakdown mentality got so prevalent in MMOs or multiplayer coop games in general but I absolutely despise it.

    All items should be tradable, breakdownable lol, and sellable. Nothing should ever bind to anyone ever, even after equipping it.
  • MerguezMan
    Vlad9425 wrote: »
    The items being bound makes them kind of unique since essentially you’ve had to earn them yourself instead of just buying them. Maybe they could let you sell items below gold quality and keep the gold quality ones bound.

    "kind of unique", as the 30 pieces of 6th house round tables that are in my mansion ?
  • Elvenheart
    I think it would be wonderful if we could sell antiquities we dig up to other players. Having them only be sellable to players with the Greymore expansion is a good idea too if ZOS would have to have it that way.

    Barring that, it would at least be nice to be able to sell them to npcs like those treasures we dig up, or convert them to resources, or at least sell them to a fence if trading in “found” antiquities is against the law in Tamriel. Or there could be a single “black market” npc auction house with representatives in all the Outlaw Refuges just for antiquities. It would add a whole new dimension to the Antiquities system.

    And I do wish some leads would lead us to a previously undiscovered small tomb or ancient ruin versus just to a glowing mound on the ground. That was what I was originally hoping for when antiquities was first revealed, more of an Indiana Jones/Laura Croft type experience. Nothing too big or elaborate like a whole dungeon that would have to be explored. Just something along the lines of a mini random delve only accessible if you were looking for the lead.
  • colossalvoids
    Elvenheart wrote: »
    And I do wish some leads would lead us to a previously undiscovered small tomb or ancient ruin versus just to a glowing mound on the ground. That was what I was originally hoping for when antiquities was first revealed, more of an Indiana Jones/Laura Croft type experience. Nothing too big or elaborate like a whole dungeon that would have to be explored. Just something along the lines of a mini random delve only accessible if you were looking for the lead.

    Yeah sounded like it when they were teasing new feature but instead we got... this. Still wish they'll go further and use some new space, maybe not a delve like but at least some new passages in/under the ground or mountains with some traps, puzzles etc for the gold leads so it would be at least somehow resembling you finding something, well, unique.
  • marshill88
    DinoZavr wrote: »

    After Blackwood goes live, Greymoor becomes a DLC, so subscribers with ESO+ can access it
    During Free ESO+ trials everybody is able to access DLC

    i'd be happy if these fancy furnishings might be sold to NPC vendors or deconstructed for tempers and materials.

    yes, great idea, let us DECON them for quality materials as well, I concur completely. Right now, I'm just so bummed about scrying because it is so much fun.

    It sucks to have something so much fun but with such little payoff.
  • AlnilamE
    Madhojo wrote: »
    Its the same backwards logic ZOS uses for most of the game tbh. I'm not sure why or where this anti trade/sell/breakdown mentality got so prevalent in MMOs or multiplayer coop games in general but I absolutely despise it.

    All items should be tradable, breakdownable lol, and sellable. Nothing should ever bind to anyone ever, even after equipping it.

    And then they'd have to cut the drop rates 100 times or we'd all be flooding in stuff.

    There's plenty of stuff you can farm/trade/whatnot. Having people actually go out and play the game to get things is good.

    Particularly in the age where we can trade real money for in-game currency (by selling crowns in this case). Having people just get everything they want without making any effort does not encourage them to stay in the game.
    There has to be a balance.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Araneae6537
    I would love to buy more of the Eight-Star Chandeliers and Silvenari Sap-Stones as for some reason I almost never find these leads while others drop for me in relative abundance.
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