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Veteran trials.

Hey folks !
As an casual player, i do want to do the harder vet trials, like vCR, vMol, VHOF etc. But there is an problem. I cannot find an group to do this with:(

I do find guilds that so those trials tho, but as an working guy, that doesn't play much during weekdays, I'm never able to join them. Or they have an ranking system where you need x rank to join, my dps is good enough (89.9k) but i miss clears. But they don't run those trials i miss. So I'm stuck. I don't want to pug those trials and i do not want to pay for an carry run.
So ideals I'm looking for people that do that in the weekends.

I'm now stuck in teaching others mechanics for normal trials, an craglorn vets. Wich is nice, but starts to get boring.

Do you have an similar situation? Or had it ? How did you fix it ? I tried so many guilds now and it's always the same....
  • Grandchamp1989
    I only ever heard of DPS checks...

    At pretty much 90k this patch you should be able join most guilds.. even for HM.

    Sometimes there's a lot of politics in guilds.. But what you gonna do.
  • DonHardstyle
    I only ever heard of DPS checks...

    At pretty much 90k this patch you should be able join most guilds.. even for HM.

    Sometimes there's a lot of politics in guilds.. But what you gonna do.

    The problem isn't joining the guilds. I can hop in most prog group with that dps. It's more time that's the issue. I have had a lot of guilds that run from 00:00 to 03:00 on an week day for example. Due to their time zone. Or other where you have to do 4-3 raids an week, that's not doable for me.
  • colossalvoids
    I'd say try to find guilds playing in your regions time, you can chose times in a guild finder now I believe. Was primarily raiding starting at 22-23 local while it was around 7-8 for most group members and it was a pain tbh, especially when you're working from the very morning.

    Anyway groups prefer people who are flexible and can afford at least 2 evenings a week so be prepared to spare some time, there are surely guilds running weekends but you need to keep searching for them obviously. Could also try discord, join some popular channels, possibly Nefas/Alcast one or Toxic raiding environment for the looking for guild/group channels so you can post yours or join the one recruiting. Also some raiding/trading guilds can pick up raiders at evenings if unable to fill the spots so you have a chance to join some half pug hof or vas this way but still it's a lottery on who you'll get.
  • josiahva
    Welcome to the real end-game content wall: You can't play end game content that is 12-man unless you have no life. ZOS has not seen fit to bless us with a trial finder...and until that happens(if it ever does) many many people will be locked out of trials. Yes I know, vet trials would have an abysmally low completion rate in a trial finder...but it doesn't matter, its a tool that can be used for people to practice, and eventually all those "filthy casuals" who can't devote a regular time slot will be able to pug the stuff just fine and the rate will start to creep upward, just like it does with vet DLC dungeons.
  • mobicera
    josiahva wrote: »
    Welcome to the real end-game content wall: You can't play end game content that is 12-man unless you have no life. ZOS has not seen fit to bless us with a trial finder...and until that happens(if it ever does) many many people will be locked out of trials. Yes I know, vet trials would have an abysmally low completion rate in a trial finder...but it doesn't matter, its a tool that can be used for people to practice, and eventually all those "filthy casuals" who can't devote a regular time slot will be able to pug the stuff just fine and the rate will start to creep upward, just like it does with vet DLC dungeons.

    Absolute nonsense.
    Most people I know and have done trials with are working adults.
    With lives, families, children...
    Unfortunately finding a group that has a time slot that may work for you can be difficult, however most progression runs are 2 or 3 times a week for 1 -2 hours.
    This is hardly no life...
    You just have to put in effort and socialize with people and actually fulfill the requirements, be it parse, logs, pov, what have you, do it it's not elitist its accountability and proof of desire to improve.

    Now for op
    You may have to jump around in various guilds, try running with different people whenever you can, express interest in such maybe they can help point you in your direction.
    I know a good deal of people who raided for an hour after their children went to sleep.
    Try and find progression guilds and join them on progression runs of the trials.
    By the sounds of it, if a clear is required in the guild you are in, it's not as much progression oriented and it could be seen as just wanting a carry which would just make things more difficult for you.
  • Malkiv
    Hey folks !
    As an casual player, i do want to do the harder vet trials, like vCR, vMol, VHOF etc. But there is an problem. I cannot find an group to do this with:(

    I do find guilds that so those trials tho, but as an working guy, that doesn't play much during weekdays, I'm never able to join them. Or they have an ranking system where you need x rank to join, my dps is good enough (89.9k) but i miss clears. But they don't run those trials i miss. So I'm stuck. I don't want to pug those trials and i do not want to pay for an carry run.
    So ideals I'm looking for people that do that in the weekends.

    I'm now stuck in teaching others mechanics for normal trials, an craglorn vets. Wich is nice, but starts to get boring.

    Do you have an similar situation? Or had it ? How did you fix it ? I tried so many guilds now and it's always the same....

    Having a ranking system in a vTrial-focused guild is not uncommon, since it allows the guild to guide people in lower ranks to higher ranks, and allows the higher ranks to run score pushes, trifecta clears, etc with people that are experienced enough to do it. You just have to put in the work.

    If you don't want to PUG, you're unable to meet rank criteria, you don't want to pay, and you just can't find any guilds at all that run multiple times on the weekend - then I don't know what to suggest.

    PUGs aren't always a bust, as long as the person organizing knows what to look for. In all, I've had far more successful vTrial PUGs than not, because I also know what to look for when I join. My first vSS clear back in 2019 was with a Crag PUG that finished in about 1.5 hour. I think only 3 or 4 people actually had a previous clear.
    PC-NA | PvP (Gray Host & BGs) | PvE (vTrials & vDGs)
  • KMarble
    OP, have you tried telling the trial organizers about your problem? If you're in a guild that runs vet trials, but the timing is bad for you, how about asking them to either schedule some for a day and time when it's feasible for you, or asking permission to organize runs yourself?
  • Sergykid
    mobicera wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    Welcome to the real end-game content wall: You can't play end game content that is 12-man unless you have no life. ZOS has not seen fit to bless us with a trial finder...and until that happens(if it ever does) many many people will be locked out of trials. Yes I know, vet trials would have an abysmally low completion rate in a trial finder...but it doesn't matter, its a tool that can be used for people to practice, and eventually all those "filthy casuals" who can't devote a regular time slot will be able to pug the stuff just fine and the rate will start to creep upward, just like it does with vet DLC dungeons.

    Absolute nonsense.
    Most people I know and have done trials with are working adults.
    With lives, families, children...
    Unfortunately finding a group that has a time slot that may work for you can be difficult, however most progression runs are 2 or 3 times a week for 1 -2 hours.
    This is hardly no life...
    You just have to put in effort and socialize with people and actually fulfill the requirements, be it parse, logs, pov, what have you, do it it's not elitist its accountability and proof of desire to improve.

    Now for op
    You may have to jump around in various guilds, try running with different people whenever you can, express interest in such maybe they can help point you in your direction.
    I know a good deal of people who raided for an hour after their children went to sleep.
    Try and find progression guilds and join them on progression runs of the trials.
    By the sounds of it, if a clear is required in the guild you are in, it's not as much progression oriented and it could be seen as just wanting a carry which would just make things more difficult for you.

    vet trials requiring you to be a no lifer is not because of the presence you must attent with. Yes you spend 6 hours a week even for trifecta progs, which is far from a no lifer.
    but to get inside this group, or any vet trial at all with serious guilds, you have to dedicate into building your character, getting your items, practicing your playstyle, get addons, keep uptimes, practice more, get gold for all the stuff, level up, etc. You will spend 20 hours a week in order to reach this 6 hours a week thing.

    a trial finder would not do harm, it will have a vote to kick option just like dungeons. A LFG tool like in GW2 would be nice, you add a description to your group and can select pretty much anything.
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • Parasaurolophus
    You need to keep looking for guilds. However ... I'm from the RU community. As a rule, the role of guilds for the players is not big in our country. However, each guild in the discord has a section for searching for trial statics where players or raid leaders post messages about looking for players or statics.
  • josiahva
    mobicera wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    Welcome to the real end-game content wall: You can't play end game content that is 12-man unless you have no life. ZOS has not seen fit to bless us with a trial finder...and until that happens(if it ever does) many many people will be locked out of trials. Yes I know, vet trials would have an abysmally low completion rate in a trial finder...but it doesn't matter, its a tool that can be used for people to practice, and eventually all those "filthy casuals" who can't devote a regular time slot will be able to pug the stuff just fine and the rate will start to creep upward, just like it does with vet DLC dungeons.

    Absolute nonsense.
    Most people I know and have done trials with are working adults.
    With lives, families, children...
    Unfortunately finding a group that has a time slot that may work for you can be difficult, however most progression runs are 2 or 3 times a week for 1 -2 hours.
    This is hardly no life...
    You just have to put in effort and socialize with people and actually fulfill the requirements, be it parse, logs, pov, what have you, do it it's not elitist its accountability and proof of desire to improve.

    Now for op
    You may have to jump around in various guilds, try running with different people whenever you can, express interest in such maybe they can help point you in your direction.
    I know a good deal of people who raided for an hour after their children went to sleep.
    Try and find progression guilds and join them on progression runs of the trials.
    By the sounds of it, if a clear is required in the guild you are in, it's not as much progression oriented and it could be seen as just wanting a carry which would just make things more difficult for you.

    You. Are. Wrong.

    This is a video game...requiring someone to schedule time for a video game is ridiculous, plain and simple.

    I play the game when I can, in an effort to relax and have fun, it is ridiculous to ask someone to schedule time to play a game. I have a job already, I certainly don't want to feel like I have another.

    Its not about improving, its not about socializing, its about the fact you have to SCHEDULE trials, unlike dungeons because with a dungeon you can just log in, join a pug group for a vet DLC and play. I have zero issue playing and completing vet DLC dungeons(although these days ZOS has been scaling way back on difficulty). I can log on and go farm whatever set I want in there. Vet trials are another ball game...not because of the actual difficulty(not talking hard modes or achievements here, just regular old vet trials) but because to even get into a vet trial you either spend endless hours a week farming CP so you can hit your parses or farming gear for whatever build your lead says you need this week in a given role/class etc etc. There is ZERO reason for anyone to be against a trial finder, no one would be forced to use it if they didn't want to. The elites could continue their never ending quest to stay on top of the leaderboards, etc, meanwhile the other 95% of players could actually do trials when they want as long as they are willing to risk not being able to finish it, because pugs. The reality is that most people would stick to normal trials in such a situation and learn and perfect mechs in normal trials, then move on to vet trials when they felt their skills in a given trial had progressed to the point it was withing their abilities.

    If you don't understand that this is major barrier to a lot of people, you are fooling yourself. It is the MAIN reason I rarely play trials. I don't find them all that difficult...I DO find them inconvenient because of scheduling expectations. I am not going to promise to be online at X time just so I can play some content...things happen, maybe I work late, maybe I have to run to the store, maybe I just don't feel like playing that night. This makes it IMPOSSIBLE to schedule, because if I don't show its now inconveniencing other people. I certainly don't want to do that, so I may as well not schedule at all.

    You act like I haven't tried this...I have, and it just does not work for me, therefore I am excluded from trials unless its a Craglorn pug, just how it is.
  • tmbrinks
    josiahva wrote: »
    mobicera wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    Welcome to the real end-game content wall: You can't play end game content that is 12-man unless you have no life. ZOS has not seen fit to bless us with a trial finder...and until that happens(if it ever does) many many people will be locked out of trials. Yes I know, vet trials would have an abysmally low completion rate in a trial finder...but it doesn't matter, its a tool that can be used for people to practice, and eventually all those "filthy casuals" who can't devote a regular time slot will be able to pug the stuff just fine and the rate will start to creep upward, just like it does with vet DLC dungeons.

    Absolute nonsense.
    Most people I know and have done trials with are working adults.
    With lives, families, children...
    Unfortunately finding a group that has a time slot that may work for you can be difficult, however most progression runs are 2 or 3 times a week for 1 -2 hours.
    This is hardly no life...
    You just have to put in effort and socialize with people and actually fulfill the requirements, be it parse, logs, pov, what have you, do it it's not elitist its accountability and proof of desire to improve.

    Now for op
    You may have to jump around in various guilds, try running with different people whenever you can, express interest in such maybe they can help point you in your direction.
    I know a good deal of people who raided for an hour after their children went to sleep.
    Try and find progression guilds and join them on progression runs of the trials.
    By the sounds of it, if a clear is required in the guild you are in, it's not as much progression oriented and it could be seen as just wanting a carry which would just make things more difficult for you.

    You. Are. Wrong.

    This is a video game...requiring someone to schedule time for a video game is ridiculous, plain and simple.

    I play the game when I can, in an effort to relax and have fun, it is ridiculous to ask someone to schedule time to play a game. I have a job already, I certainly don't want to feel like I have another.

    Its not about improving, its not about socializing, its about the fact you have to SCHEDULE trials, unlike dungeons because with a dungeon you can just log in, join a pug group for a vet DLC and play. I have zero issue playing and completing vet DLC dungeons(although these days ZOS has been scaling way back on difficulty). I can log on and go farm whatever set I want in there. Vet trials are another ball game...not because of the actual difficulty(not talking hard modes or achievements here, just regular old vet trials) but because to even get into a vet trial you either spend endless hours a week farming CP so you can hit your parses or farming gear for whatever build your lead says you need this week in a given role/class etc etc. There is ZERO reason for anyone to be against a trial finder, no one would be forced to use it if they didn't want to. The elites could continue their never ending quest to stay on top of the leaderboards, etc, meanwhile the other 95% of players could actually do trials when they want as long as they are willing to risk not being able to finish it, because pugs. The reality is that most people would stick to normal trials in such a situation and learn and perfect mechs in normal trials, then move on to vet trials when they felt their skills in a given trial had progressed to the point it was withing their abilities.

    If you don't understand that this is major barrier to a lot of people, you are fooling yourself. It is the MAIN reason I rarely play trials. I don't find them all that difficult...I DO find them inconvenient because of scheduling expectations. I am not going to promise to be online at X time just so I can play some content...things happen, maybe I work late, maybe I have to run to the store, maybe I just don't feel like playing that night. This makes it IMPOSSIBLE to schedule, because if I don't show its now inconveniencing other people. I certainly don't want to do that, so I may as well not schedule at all.

    You act like I haven't tried this...I have, and it just does not work for me, therefore I am excluded from trials unless its a Craglorn pug, just how it is.

    That is a you thing... and that's perfectly fine.

    But don't make the initial statement and I quote "You can't play end game content that is 12-man unless you have no life"

    Because you can certainly have a life, family, kids, work, social time, etc... while you schedule 3-4 hours a week to do something at a specific time.

    Again, I have no problem with people who have flexible lives, who don't want to be beholden to any sort of a schedule like this.

    (that said, if you have kids, and they do any organized activities... isn't that the same thing :wink: )

    Edit for some more commentary:

    I have some similar (but different) issues myself. I start work at 7 AM local time, so I'm awake much earlier (and on the east coast of the US). I have been asked to join raid groups that run later at night (to accommodate players on the west coast)> I have to say "no, that's too late for me" as they'd be getting done at 1 AM/2 AM my time, and I simply couldn't do it

    But, I've found a raid group that has similar goals, people who want to do the same content. We raid 4 hours a week. I don't want to do 18 hours of raid a week. Being an adult is all about choices. And I have no problem with any sort of a trials finder. But to cloak your argument for that with words like "elitists" and "no-life" is insulting and demeaning.
    Edited by tmbrinks on April 13, 2021 5:53PM
    The Unshattered - Tenacious Dreamer - Hurricane Herald - Godslayer - Dawnbringer - Gryphon Heart - Tick Tock Tormenter - Immortal Redeemer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    The Unchained - Oathsworn - Bedlam's Disciple - Temporal Tempest - Curator's Champion - Fist of Tava - Invader's Bane - Land, Air, and Sea Supremacy - Zero Regrets - Battlespire's Best - Bastion Breaker - Ardent Bibliophile - Subterranean Smasher - Bane of Thorns - True Genius - In Defiance of Death - No Rest for the Wicked - Nature's Wrath - Undying Endurance - Relentless Raider - Depths Defier - Apex Predator - Pure Lunacy - Mountain God - Leave No Bone Unbroken - CoS/RoM/BF/FH Challenger
    65,945 achievement points
  • mobicera
    Ok whatever I really don't care.
    Direct your angst at the "elites" preventing you from getting into trials.
    What a complete joke.
    All of this nonsense saysing you have to no life is hyperbole and just not reality.
    I know this as someone who has ran progression trials with many groups and actually cleared almost all hm in this game
    (I'm looking at you vcr3).
    You most certainly do not need to be a no lifer.
    You just have to try and focus your gaming efforts on this for a while.

    OP hopefully you find a guild where times align.
    Good luck vdlc trials are some of the most enjoyable content.
    Edited by mobicera on April 13, 2021 6:04PM
  • Everest_Lionheart
    Crazy schedule here and I manage to find time for 3 prog teams. One doing vAS, another vMoL and I lead the 3rd which is vSS. First group is 2 nights per week, strict 2hr limit because we all have families and jobs. The second group I talked back to 2 nights of 2hr each because 3 night and 3hr is way too much time for a team that’s not chasing the HM or trifecta’s. The one that I do lead is one night per week only and it’s a social guild trying to complete harder content because the normal trails and craglorn vets are way too easy for us.

    Here is the thing. I am prepared to step down from all of those teams at any moment if the time constraints don’t meet my own schedule or the teams themselves become unreliable with their own times. That is the most valuable resource in this game, time, so set your limitations if you have to or be flexible to change them to meet another groups expectations. For me the first group I me stipend above fits my personal schedule perfectly, the second group I asked them to meet me half way because the hours are difficult, and the one I lead I give them the hours they want even though it’s hard for me. So budget your time accordingly and find the right groups and everything will work itself out.

    I mean you can still PUG and have a good time even if you don’t get completes. Best time I ever had in a trial was a vKA PUG that couldn’t get past the first boss. I mean those guys/girls were hilarious. Had a similar experience on the final boss of vSS with a bunch of PvPers, a hysterical time, no idea how we got past the fire boss, but we managed and gave the last one a shot anyway.

    Anyway that’s why we play the game, to have fun. Sometimes it’s fun to get complete’s, other times it’s fun to watch a bunch of people out of their element flounder around a bit and suffer!
  • DonHardstyle
    Hey folks thanks for the replies ! Sad that some have to start an argument over it, shame yourself...

    Indeed pugging those trials, to get the clears is an option. It the reason why I don't want to do that is that you don't learn annything from doing that. besides that i have really *** experiences with pug groups. Where people say they know the mechanics, but clearly don't. Buying carry runs, is in my opinion just weak, so that never will be an option.

    I do understand that when an group is focussed on push scores and trifecta they want you to come 3 times a week, that's obvious. It needs practice.

    An trial finder like dungeons have, yeah that might be an idea, it deffo makes it easier to find an group.

    Does annyone know if an guild that might fit me ? I hopped so many guilds that i lost hope finding one, that i kinda gave up hope :p
  • colossalvoids

    Does annyone know if an guild that might fit me ? I hopped so many guilds that i lost hope finding one, that i kinda gave up hope :p

    I'd suggest you making a post in "Looking for group" subforum here with your platform/server, playtime, your experience (also roles) and expectations (1-2 raids at weekends, dlc trials progression, no toxicity more chill group as an example) so you could be guided towards fitting group or be picked up by some guild in search for their new replacement.

    Good luck to you anyway!
  • Girl_Number8
    I only ever heard of DPS checks...

    At pretty much 90k this patch you should be able join most guilds.. even for HM.

    Sometimes there's a lot of politics in guilds.. But what you gonna do.

    The problem isn't joining the guilds. I can hop in most prog group with that dps. It's more time that's the issue. I have had a lot of guilds that run from 00:00 to 03:00 on an week day for example. Due to their time zone. Or other where you have to do 4-3 raids an week, that's not doable for me.

    In the guild finder create and write the times you are available and roles you can do. Let them know what you are exactly interested in and that is when you are available to play. Be ready to do a dps check and you should find a fit. Tell them to only add you if this is a fit.

    Try also joining discords for trials groups that are public until you get picked up. You meet a lot of people there.
    Edited by Girl_Number8 on April 13, 2021 8:58PM
  • DonHardstyle

    Does annyone know if an guild that might fit me ? I hopped so many guilds that i lost hope finding one, that i kinda gave up hope :p

    I'd suggest you making a post in "Looking for group" subforum here with your platform/server, playtime, your experience (also roles) and expectations (1-2 raids at weekends, dlc trials progression, no toxicity more chill group as an example) so you could be guided towards fitting group or be picked up by some guild in search for their new replacement.

    Good luck to you anyway!
    Thnx ! I never saw that section of the forums, wrote an post there ;)
    I only ever heard of DPS checks...

    At pretty much 90k this patch you should be able join most guilds.. even for HM.

    Sometimes there's a lot of politics in guilds.. But what you gonna do.

    The problem isn't joining the guilds. I can hop in most prog group with that dps. It's more time that's the issue. I have had a lot of guilds that run from 00:00 to 03:00 on an week day for example. Due to their time zone. Or other where you have to do 4-3 raids an week, that's not doable for me.

    In the guild finder create and write the times you are available and roles you can do. Let them know what you are exactly interested in and that is when you are available to play. Be ready to do a dps check and you should find a fit. Tell them to only add you if this is a fit.

    Try also joining discords for trials groups that are public until you get picked up. You meet a lot of people there.

    Tried lt numerous times in that section. Never got lucky with it, no replies or beginner guilds that are looking for experienced players. Same goes for facebook... Do you maybe have an link for said discords ?
  • renne
    Find a guild that runs when you want to run. If at first you don't succeed, try another.
  • AyaDark
    Try some open raids.

    Some guilds do open raids to look for good players. And if they like them they take them to their trial group for harder achivments.

    So some easy content like vMOL, vHOF and etc with no HMs can be pass with such groups. As a part of open raid.
    Edited by AyaDark on April 14, 2021 7:11AM
  • MalEducado
    Sergykid wrote: »
    mobicera wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    Welcome to the real end-game content wall: You can't play end game content that is 12-man unless you have no life. ZOS has not seen fit to bless us with a trial finder...and until that happens(if it ever does) many many people will be locked out of trials. Yes I know, vet trials would have an abysmally low completion rate in a trial finder...but it doesn't matter, its a tool that can be used for people to practice, and eventually all those "filthy casuals" who can't devote a regular time slot will be able to pug the stuff just fine and the rate will start to creep upward, just like it does with vet DLC dungeons.

    Absolute nonsense.
    Most people I know and have done trials with are working adults.
    With lives, families, children...
    Unfortunately finding a group that has a time slot that may work for you can be difficult, however most progression runs are 2 or 3 times a week for 1 -2 hours.
    This is hardly no life...
    You just have to put in effort and socialize with people and actually fulfill the requirements, be it parse, logs, pov, what have you, do it it's not elitist its accountability and proof of desire to improve.

    Now for op
    You may have to jump around in various guilds, try running with different people whenever you can, express interest in such maybe they can help point you in your direction.
    I know a good deal of people who raided for an hour after their children went to sleep.
    Try and find progression guilds and join them on progression runs of the trials.
    By the sounds of it, if a clear is required in the guild you are in, it's not as much progression oriented and it could be seen as just wanting a carry which would just make things more difficult for you.

    vet trials requiring you to be a no lifer is not because of the presence you must attent with. Yes you spend 6 hours a week even for trifecta progs, which is far from a no lifer.
    but to get inside this group, or any vet trial at all with serious guilds, you have to dedicate into building your character, getting your items, practicing your playstyle, get addons, keep uptimes, practice more, get gold for all the stuff, level up, etc. You will spend 20 hours a week in order to reach this 6 hours a week thing.

    a trial finder would not do harm, it will have a vote to kick option just like dungeons. A LFG tool like in GW2 would be nice, you add a description to your group and can select pretty much anything.

    trifecta progress in what?
  • DonHardstyle
    Clearing those trials doesn't make you experienced right away. And no i didn't clear them yet, i want to clear them and I'm looking for an group to clear them with an progress with in those trials.
  • vgabor

    Look around in guild finder for promising guilds and join the discords they mention in their description to see when they run what trials. Most guild discords have open runs which you can join without being guild member, and on the discord usually you also see what kind of prog groups they have. Check if they mention sister / connected discords, join those discords to look around as well.

    After you built a list of trial discords join open runs to get familiar how they run and see if they are the kind of people you want to do trials with. And also to make yourself known by them so that when there's a new prog group starting which you would be interested joining you're not a stranger out from the blue but someone they know of. You need to put a bit if time and effort into networking - this game is an mmo after all -, but if you do then soon enough the problem won't be the lack of trial options but the lack of time and which one to choose :)
  • AyaDark
    I wish you good luck ;)
  • Sergykid
    MalEducado wrote: »
    Sergykid wrote: »
    mobicera wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    Welcome to the real end-game content wall: You can't play end game content that is 12-man unless you have no life. ZOS has not seen fit to bless us with a trial finder...and until that happens(if it ever does) many many people will be locked out of trials. Yes I know, vet trials would have an abysmally low completion rate in a trial finder...but it doesn't matter, its a tool that can be used for people to practice, and eventually all those "filthy casuals" who can't devote a regular time slot will be able to pug the stuff just fine and the rate will start to creep upward, just like it does with vet DLC dungeons.

    Absolute nonsense.
    Most people I know and have done trials with are working adults.
    With lives, families, children...
    Unfortunately finding a group that has a time slot that may work for you can be difficult, however most progression runs are 2 or 3 times a week for 1 -2 hours.
    This is hardly no life...
    You just have to put in effort and socialize with people and actually fulfill the requirements, be it parse, logs, pov, what have you, do it it's not elitist its accountability and proof of desire to improve.

    Now for op
    You may have to jump around in various guilds, try running with different people whenever you can, express interest in such maybe they can help point you in your direction.
    I know a good deal of people who raided for an hour after their children went to sleep.
    Try and find progression guilds and join them on progression runs of the trials.
    By the sounds of it, if a clear is required in the guild you are in, it's not as much progression oriented and it could be seen as just wanting a carry which would just make things more difficult for you.

    vet trials requiring you to be a no lifer is not because of the presence you must attent with. Yes you spend 6 hours a week even for trifecta progs, which is far from a no lifer.
    but to get inside this group, or any vet trial at all with serious guilds, you have to dedicate into building your character, getting your items, practicing your playstyle, get addons, keep uptimes, practice more, get gold for all the stuff, level up, etc. You will spend 20 hours a week in order to reach this 6 hours a week thing.

    a trial finder would not do harm, it will have a vote to kick option just like dungeons. A LFG tool like in GW2 would be nice, you add a description to your group and can select pretty much anything.

    trifecta progress in what?

    "trifectas" meaning speed, hm, and no death runs, like Godslayer, Unchained, TTT, IR, GH, etc. Progression groups that work toward those achievements that run 2-3 times a week for 2-3 hours on a day.
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
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  • raaphor
    I'm in 2 guilds (pc eu) that run vet trials once or twice a week, open for all guildies. Only requirements are: listen in Discord, follow instructions from raid leader and have at least basic understanding of ESO combat. The trial can be anything: the weekly or just whatever the group is up for at that moment.

    I'm sure there must be plenty of other guilds that offer the same service.
    Always keep in mind tho that the raidleaders and experienced players that donate their time and effort to help the less experienced are also playing the game instead of doing a 'job' . Don't expect to be carried without putting some effort yourself and be reasonable when asking for specific completes.

    Pugging can be fun but also very frustrating, always go in with lowest expectations, a clear or even a first boss defeat is quite often impossible:) I've had some really fun and smooth runs tho.
    Edited by raaphor on April 14, 2021 1:30PM
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